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I had to get her away from here.
I had to run and find her a healer.

„OK I'll pick you up and I'll carry you right now.”
She just nodded but as I picked her up she suddenly started to groan.

„Put me down! Put me down!”
„Why what's- shit!”
There was blood.
So much blood.
And it didn't stop flowing.
„What do you mean „shit”?” 

„You're bleeding. More than you should. I don't know what to do. Please I need you to let me pick you up.”

But she didn't even answer me.
I wasn't even sure she still could.

„Stay with me, Feyre.”

But instead of giving me an answer she just started screaming again.
She looked frightened as if she wanted to escape something.

I tried to shake her but she didn't stop.
„Feyre hold on, stay with me.”

And when she stopped screaming and her body went limp I didn't hesitate.
I picked her up and started running.

I didn't care about the branches that were in my way, I didn't care about the blood that dripped on my arm and I didn't care about her weight or the exhaustion that came with the running.

I had to save her and I would.
Suddenly I had an idea.

I had my water magic.
Even though it wasn't strong enough to fully heal her I could at least stop the blood loss.

Even if it had the ability to fully heal her I didn't know what was wrong with her and I didn't know how it might affect the baby.

So I summoned my power from deep within me and healed her the best I could, but she still stayed unconscious breathing shallow.

I continued running and when I finally saw Velaris relief filled every cell of my body.

It did not take long to cross the town and to get the house of wind.
I felt like I was in a blur as I climbed countless stairs and finally stood on front of the front door.

I banged at the door as hard as I could and when someone opened it I ran inside.

Rhys stood in front of me and when he began to understand who I was carrying, fear filled his eyes.

„What happened?”, he demanded to know
„I'll tell you everything later but now all she needs is a healer. She is in labor and she has lost a lot of blood. I stopped the bleeding and that's all you need to know.”

He just nodded and without a word from him Cassian, who I hadn't even noticed entering the room, winnowed and came back with a healer immediately.

They carried her out of the room and took care of her and I didn't move or talk to anyone until I heard the joyful screams of a baby.

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