4. Quarry Fun

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Katherine stood at the window of Eddie Kasprak's room. She knocked rhythmically on his window. The curtains were pulled back revealing Eddie's tired face.

Katherine pressed her face to the glass, making a ridiculous expression.

Eddie looked panicked for a moment before holding up one finger for her to hold on. Katherine made a motion to her wrist like an imaginary watch as if to say 'hurry up'.

Eddie rushed out of the room, most likely to check on his mom or to grab his medication.

Katherine got impatient and began to sing loudly on key, her voice was beautiful like an angel's melody unlike most of the people in Derry who claimed they could sing.

"And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you only hold me tight..." Eddie came into his room, closing the door and opened the window. "We'll be holding on forever-"

She stopped singing when Eddie put his hand over her mouth. "Shut up, my mom's asleep," Eddie whispered.

"Whoops," Katherine muffled under his hand.

"And do you know how many diseases you can get just from putting your face against a window like with all the bugs that land on there and every time old man Weaver mows the lawn and all the grass and dirt hits the-" Eddie pulled his hand back in digust when Katherine licked his palm.

"Sorry, it was the only way to shut you up," Katherine replied, crawling through the window. Eddie's clutched his hand, walking out of the room. "Where are you going?" she asked, sitting on his bed.

"To go wash my hand," Eddie replied, going into the bathroom.

"Oh, lighten up, Eds," Katherine called.

He emerged shortly from the bathroom, drying his hands. "What are you doing here, Katherine?"

"I went home for a bit," she explained, "Ate the sandwich my mom made and left when her...boyfriend was there."

"Meth Seth?" Eddie asked. Everyone in the loser's club called Seth that for the reason he was a drug dealer and user, mostly meth as Katherine found out.

"Yeth," Katherine replied, making fun of how Seth sounds when he's on a lot of drugs. "Anyways," she reached her backpack, pulling out Eddie's second inhaler. "You left this."

"Oh," Eddie said, taking the inhaler from her.

Katherine went into a rant. "And then I came over because I thought how scary it would be if you had an asthma attack and you're all out of your first inhaler. I mean," Katherine's voice began to crack. "It'd be my fault that I wasn't there to save you." She began to cry. "And then life would suck without you there for me because you're my best friend and I love you to death-"

Eddie shushed the girl. "Katherine, I'm fine." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "I just got a refill two days ago, remember?"

The girl all of a sudden stopped crying but tears still rolled down her cheeks. "Oh, yeah. I forgot."

"Hold on," Eddie said and stretched Katherine's left eye widen open. "You're eyes are dilated. Do you find Seth's stash of pot again?"

"I only had two brownies," Katherine dragged her words out, booping Eddie's nose.

"Katherine, you know those are weed brownies," he scolded. "Do you know what eating or smoking that shit can do to your brain?"

Katherine pouted her lips. "What is it, Eddie-bear?"

Eddie huffed. "They just did a study on marijuana and studies show that weed interferes with the neurotransmitters in the brain. My mom's friend accidently breathed in just the smoke from marijuana and she got hospitalized for being brain dead two weeks later-"

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