7. Blood In the Water

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Early morning, Beverly called all the losers about meeting her at her apartment. Luckily, she called Stan before Katherine could leave, all she had to do was hide in the closet when Stan's dad came in to talk to Stan about his upcoming bar mitzvah. She snuck out Stan's window, climbing down a tree near the window. Stan came out shortly, got on his bike with Katherine on the back and pedaled towards Beverly's apartment.

As they got closer, she saw the rest of the boys coming from another street. Bill looked questioningly at her but didn't say anything.

Beverly was sitting on the fire escape stairs until she heard the sound of Stan and Eddie bickering about why they were there. She stood up quickly, dropping the cigarette she was smoking and rushed down to meet the losers.

"I need to..." Beverly began. "I need to show you something."

"What is it?" Katherine asked, sliding off of Stan's bike and seeing her anxious body language.

"More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie joked.

"Shut up! Just shut up, Richie!" Eddie snapped.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out that I had boys in the apartment," Beverly stated.

"W-W-W-W-We'll leave a lookout," Bill reassured her as everyone all dropped their bikes except for Stan who just dropped the kickstand. "Now Richie, just s-s-s-stay here."

"Woah, woah, woah," Richie began. "What if her dad comes back?"

Stan stopped, looking to Richie. "Do what you always do. Start talking."

"It is a gift," Richie called, weakly as Katherine pulled Stan up the stairs.

The rest of the losers walked the hall of the Marsh apartment, the redhead and them arriving in front of a closed door. "In there..." Beverly trailed off

"What is it?" Stan asked nervously.

"You'll see."

As the losers walked closer to the door, Eddie ranted, "Great, bringing us to the bathroom. You know that 89% of the worse accidents occur in the bathroom and kitchen. And that's where all the bacteria and fungi are... and it is not a sanitary place..." He quieted down when Katherine gripped his hand. Bill pushed the door open, revealing something like blood covering the bathroom from top to bottom. "I knew it," Eddie uttered with a small gag.

"Do you see it?" Beverly asked.

"I see...something," Katherine stated. "What happened in here?"

"My dad couldn't see it, I thought that I might be crazy."

Ben hummed. "Well if you're crazy, then we're all crazy."

"I agree with that," Katherine said, pointing to the boy.

"We c-c-c-can't leave it like this," Bill spoke.

"I agree with that too," Katherine stated before looking to Beverly. "Do you have any cleaning supplies?"

Shortly everyone was cleaning the blood away. Katherine scrubbed at the tub which Stan stood in, wiping the blood from the single window and walls. Ben and Bill moped the floors. Eddie wiped the blood off the walls, gagging every few moments. Beverly wiped the sink and mirror down.

When Stan bent down to clean from a better angle, Katherine smacked his butt which earned a small outburst from him but she only giggled. Bill stopped cleaning for a moment to see them interact, he just shook his head and continued.

Most of the losers shortly disappeared, leaving just Bill and Katherine to clean up the last of the blood on the floor.

"You know," Katherine spoke, putting the mop in the bucket. "I would make a period joke but this is literally what my flow looks like, it's not even funny." Bill stayed silent, continuing to mop, acting as if she wasn't there. "You got nothing, Billy-boy?" Katherine asked. "Not a comment like 'that's gross' or even a question you've been thinking in that beautiful brain of yours." Bill dumped the mop in his own bucket to wring it out, still ignoring her. She sighed. "Okay, Bill. What's wrong?"

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