4. I Carry Your Heart With Me

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The seven losers walked through the deserted streets of Derry as the sun began to rise.

They arrived on the edge of town where the woods were at.

"The Barrens," Beverly spoke first, looking around.

"This is where we came after the rock fight," Katherine stated.

"The clubhouse," Richie added.

Beverly laughed, looking at Ben. "You built that for us."

"Yeah, the hatch has gotta be around here someplace."

Katherine walked forward. "That was my safe place when Seth was..." Eddie looked at her in concern. "It's nothing. It was a long time ago-"

Katherine suddenly tripped over a fallen large branch which led Bill to catch her in his arms. "Whoa. Are you okay?" he asked her.

Katherine smiled at him. "Yeah," she answered.

He noticed her sparkling gaze and asked, "What?"

"Nothing. Just a rush of nostalgia," she answered. "Probably one of the moments first moments I fell in love with you."

Bill grinned back her. "I was always in love with you," he told her, kissing her forehead and taking her hand in his.

Katherine chuckled. "Even in shitty times, you make me love you more."

"You know what?" Ben asked, walking further. "I actually think the door was more like..." His foot kept tapping at the ground. "Around-" Suddenly, Ben fell through a small hole in the ground, a loud thump was heard upon impact. "Found it," Ben shortly said.

Katherine rushed over. "Ben," she called in concern.

"I'm okay!" he told her. "Come down."

Katherine began to step down the ladder-

She was the first down after Ben, then Beverly and shortly the others came down as well.

"What the dick is this?" Richie asked. "How'd you build it?"

"And when did you build it?" Bill asked.

"Here and there, I guess," Ben answered. "It was already dug out from something so I just had to reinforce the walls and get some wood for the roof door, and that's pretty much it. Pretty good for my first time, huh?" Ben asked before leaning against a pillar making one of top sheets of metal collapse.

"Now that's a cool feature," Richie says. "What happens when you put your hand on the other pillar, professor?"

"Regardless, Ben," Katherine spoke. "It's still fucking amazing. But it could use a little decorating." She looked towards the wall. "How about a movie poster right there?" She noticed Ben's happy gaze at the fact that she was enjoying the place he built. "What?"

Ben smiled. "I don't think I ever expected someone like you to be as nice as you are."

"Someone like me?"

"Pretty, mean to other people who aren't their friends..."


Katherine didn't notice Bill scrunched his nose in distaste as Ben called her pretty. Usually, Bill would call her pretty, no one else.

"Okay, you see, this is exactly why there are safety codes, why we have permits," Eddie began. "This place is a death trap. You understand that?"

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