13. His Answer

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In the year 1994 was the year high school ends and most of the losers (who stayed in Derry) would be graduating.

Bill, Katherine, Mike, Stan, Richie, and Eddie were the ones who were graduating from Derry High School.

Katherine had got accepted into Yale, Bill had got accepted into Harvard University but both had the option to go to Colombia.

Bill knew that Yale was Katherine's dream school and he didn't want to hold her back from her dream when she was so close to becoming who she wanted to be. His love for her didn't want to get in the way of that.

She told him regardless that she would have to think about it because if she left for Yale, she'd be in Connecticut and Bill would be at Harvard in Massachusetts which wasn't far but long-distance relationships don't work out especially if you're overworked by work.

It was time for the graduation ceremony. The valedictorian made a speech at the podium while the losers sat close together. The couple sitting next to one another.

As the principal went back to the podium calling each person up for their diplomas. Once Bill and Katherine got theirs and the principal was getting close to finishing calling all the names.

"Hey," Stan nudged Katherine from behind. "Tell him."

Katherine grabbed Bill's hand earning his attention. Tell me what?" Bill asked, hearing Stan. He spoke much more clearly due to him getting a private speech therapist a few years ago. "Is it important?"

"You mean that I decided what I want to do with my life?" Katherine referred to.

"Yeah, that," Bill stated.

"Stan and Eddie said I should go to Yale unless I have a really good reason not to," Katherine answered.

"Well, there isn't any good reason. I mean, I'll miss you but-"

"Actually, there is a good reason," Katherine replied.

"Elizabeth Zink," the principal called.

"Billy..." Katherine began, looking to Richie and Stan who both nodded in encouragement.

"What?" Bill asked her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Derry High School class of 1994," the principal announced.

Everyone got up to cheer and throw their graduation caps up but as Bill began to stand, Katherine, stayed sitting and asked him, "Will you marry me?"

Bill sat back down in his seat in shock as Katherine looked in his eyes for an answer.

It was until after Richie yelled, 'party at my house' that everyone left to his house except for Bill and Katherine.

The blond just patiently waited for the boy to speak. How she has the patience for him was beyond Bill.

"Bill?" Katherine questioned.

The boy finally unfroze and spoke, "D-Did I just ask you to marry me?"

Katherine chuckled. "I asked you."

Bill smiled but said, "B-B-But I always t-thought I'd be the one to propose." He cursed himself for his stutter beginning to return now he'd have to work extra hard to get rid of his stutter.

"Well, I beat you to it," Katherine bragged to her boyfriend. "Look, Billy, if you want to be the one-"

"No, no, no, no. This is the '90s. What's done is done. So," Bill took a deep breath. "Okay, you proposed. Hey, we better get to that graduation party."

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