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"It means that I'm tired of trying."

Those words rang in each and every one of their ears like a church bell chiming.

Samantha could practically remember the exact same words as if it were the back of her hand.

She remembered what it meant.

She could remember their expression when they stared back at her in complete shock. Some looked broken and some looked at her in disbelief.

For Samantha, she couldn't give them sympathy now that she's finally tired of being pushed around like a doll.

She was tired of being nice and calm about this situation. There's nothing nice and calm about it. Nothing. Everything in that situation was chaotic, suffocating and the negativity that surrounded her was magnificently life draining. If she could pick, she would probably choose death over this.

Everyone stayed silent. No one uttered a single peep of a sound.

Samantha could definitely remember the cold winter air that day. Christmas was nearing close and she thought that all of her problems would be solved if they can celebrate the holiday with the whole family.

She thought wrong and she was stupid to believe that it's going to be happening.

Now that she has finally confessed, maybe that dream won't be coming true anytime soon.

It's reality that she's got to embrace.

She remembered how she hated being treated like a child. In all honesty, she feels more of an adult than a bratty child.

What the hell is the meaning of being a brat anyways?

It doesn't define her as a person. It never did.

They took her for granted and used her for their own well-being but what about her? What about her own well-being? Will she just let it slide and be happy about it?

Hell no.

Samantha could remember her brothers shouting at her but their words came out like a breath of air. She heard nothing. It was all a blur. She stared at nothingness as they shout their reasons.

Maybe this was her way of showing that she really didn't care anymore.

"I want to leave." She said. "To leave you guys... "

Their shoutings were getting more louder and louder, she could see their tears as they tried to reason her but she kept her expression neutral.

"I can't stay in the same room as you guys..." Her voice cracked in the end. She could feel her eyes stinging with tears that was threatening to fall. Her whole body was starting to shake as she tried to look like she could handle this situation by herself.

The truth was that she couldn't. How could she? She's leaving her only family. The only family that she has ever come to grow up with in the span of her fifteen years.

"I just can't... " Then she cried. She cried like its going to be the last time she'll ever see them.

Maybe it will be.

She didn't remember when it stopped. She just stood there, hugging herself as she cried.

No one bothered comforting her. They were all too busy fighting against each other as she stood there between all of the chaos.

She couldn't hear anything but the loud high note that hurts her ear. The girl knew that there's chaos happening all around her but she couldn't hear anything but the eerie high note.


The sound made her cry uncontrollably. It made her ears hurt and it made her tired as hell. Tired of everything around her.

Samantha then felt hands on her shoulders and she flinched. The young lady looked at who it was and her eyes suddenly watered once again with fresh tears. The sound was slowly fading away as she look at the person who kinda save her from that torture.

Xendrix was giving her a sympathetic expression. She didn't expect him to come near her but he did.

"I'm sorry... " She heard Xendrix say those magical words despite of the chaos that surrounded them. "This happened because of my sister... "

"She didn't deserve death..." Samantha shook her head as she replied. "In that way, she died easily whereas I have to live this life. This negative life."

She wants to die. That was supposed to be her answer to him but Xendrix had a face that was telling her to not continue what she was about to say.

He looked like he cared.

But Samantha's having a hard time believing it.

Daniel then went beside of his brother and he looked like he has been crying.

Was that even possible?

"We'll help... " Daniel said quietly. "I promise... "

Promises were made to be broken.

Samantha couldn't even say that because the warmth of Xendrix's hands comforted her. She leaned against his chest and let out a shaky sigh.

She remembered that day as if it were only yesterday.

That day where she left them.

Daniel and Xendrix helped her with leaving them but she couldn't even look at them in the eye because if she did, she'll want to cry.

Thankfully, her Aunt Josephine was more than willing to keep her away from them.

"Those bastards better stay away or I'll put them all to hell in the most bloodiest way ever known to man." Was what Aunt Josephine said to her.

Samantha feels like it was meant to comfort her and it did. Kinda.

They left her family with Xendrix and Daniel, who wanted to stick close to her like some bodyguards but Samantha doesn't have any ideas of sticking close to them. She's afraid that she might get attached and then the whole chaos might repeat itself once again.

She's just tired and just wants to stay the hell away from her brothers.

If only it were that easy.

Those people would haunt her for the rest of her life.

Aunt Josephine got a house near a beach. They stayed at a small town where everything was just peaceful and quiet. Relaxing.

The drive there was approximately five hours and it's good.

Samantha would wake up with the air of the ocean. She would hear the seagulls squawking and the clashes of wave with the smell of the ocean.

It was good.

All was good.

Of course, she's pretending to be okay.

She's lying to herself.


Okay, so I kinda rushed this one end I haven't recheck it so if there's mistakes then I'm so sorry!

Anyways, I hope you don't mind the little bit of time skip in this chapter. I just don't know how to explain it to you guys other than Samantha is devastated and tired. Super tired.

Anyways, I hope you guys leave me a vote!

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