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Sam was just lying on the couch, looking at the ceiling with thoughts surrounding her mind.

She thought of how nice her aunt and cousins were.

Aunt Josephine always made sure of her health. She would always be there to give her a blanket or tell her that she needs to eat already. She knows what to do after she gets a horrible nightmare. They would sit down and watch Netflix until she eventually gets to go back to sleep again.

Daniel was being so supportive. He always told her that she could take her time in telling them about what she was feeling. He told her that she wasn't broken. She was just in a place where she's apparently stuck in. A place where she couldn't get out or even comprehend what's going on.

And that's true.

She's stuck in a place where everyone was not to be trusted. A place where it's filled with nothing but water and darkness.

It's a place where she still wants to escape from.

Xendrix was being nice. He always wakes her up whenever she gets a nightmare. He's always in her room, making sure that she gets a good night sleep. He's usually sleeping beside her too. And it was... Comforting.

Weird but it wasn't a bad kind if weird.

It was just... The good weird.

"Hey, Sammy, can you please sit up?" Samantha was immediately greeted by the annoyed look in Xendrix's expression as he stared down at her. "This is still a couch and believe it or not, it's for people to sit on, not lie on."

Sam gave him a huff of breath before sitting up. Xendrix sighed dramatically and sat down beside her.

"Well, thank the heavens for your cooperation."

Sam glared at him but not because she was mad at him. No, she was just irritated.

"Do you have to be dramatic?"

Xendrix raised a brow at her. "Am I being dramatic?"

Sam just looked away from him without saying another word. Honestly, she knows that they'll just be arguing about nonsense and Samantha doesn't want to waste his time on her stupidity.

Daniel then entered the scene with a warm cup of chocolate and he saw the two sitting on the couch. Xendrix was looking at her every now and then while Sam seems to be unaware of his secret glances.

The man smiled. At times like this, he's happy that Xendrix have a good intention for Sam. He wants to help Sam because no one in this house knows how Samantha was really feeling.

No-one but him.

"What are you two doing?" He asked, announcing his presence to them.

Sam looked at him, there was a glimpse of what it seems like joy before going back to being empty. Daniel tried to hide his frown with a smile.

"Just chilling." Xendrix shrugged. He then looked at the cup Daniel was holding and raised a brow. "That for me?"

Daniel shook his head. "It's for Sam."

Sam looked back at him and shook her head, looking a bit upset.

"I-I... Y-You don't need to, Dan...  I can... Uhm..." She then ran out of words to say and she just bit her bottom lip in hesitation.

Daniel smiled. "And you need to warm up. Aunt Josephine would kill me if you get cold, plus I don't like the thought of you getting cold."

"I agree." Xendrix added making Sam sigh.

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