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Not everyone's story ends with a happily ever after.

Every story gets a tragedy, a struggle, a meaning to see what lies ahead after every raging storm.

Every pain hides every good story.

Every tragedy holds a tool for the living to gain wisdom.

Everything happens for a reason.

And Samantha's family going downhill has its own reasons.

Samantha Lydia Stones knew that she needed to let them go.

Hold on to them and she'll get hurt more.

And she's tired of living with pain.

She's not willing to hold on to people who've given her the first happiness in life and her last pain that she'll ever feel. She doesn't want to hold onto someone who've lied to themselves that everything will be alright. That everything will be okay because it was not fine and it will never be fine.

Daniel may say that nothing is broken but there is something broken in Samantha's life and that's the bond that she have created from her family.

It's not always a happily ever after for her but sometimes that's good.

We don't always get the endings that we want. That's life, right?

Wake up because this is reality.

We don't always get those sunshines and rainbows because in the first place, it doesn't exist.

People struggle.

Some pull it off and make it seem like they have a beautiful life but they struggle, they have problems, they've got their own issues and they're just good with either ignoring it or solving it.

We're not perfect.

We're the opposite of perfect. We're perfect at being imperfect. We make mistakes, we keep secrets from people that we care about, we do loads of shit but that's why we're humans, right?

Sam visited her old house. She told her family that she needed to be independent. She's got to be separated from them. She wants to have some normality because in the first place, her whole life has been a mess, filled with lies and abandonment and betrayals and when some people think about it, it sucks.

It sucks really bad.

Nobody could have ever fix that.

And that's fine.

There were tears. Lots of tears and Sam couldn't stop crying as she think about what life she has been living.

That was her family. That was her brothers. They were the one who gave her beautiful memories. They were the one who wake her up every morning for breakfast. They were the one who joins her for a horror movie marathon. They were her family.

And that will never change.

But she needed to go.

It wasn't healthy to lie about being okay anymore. It wasn't good to pretend that they still have a perfect family.

It wasn't okay.

"Sam..." Her mother called, she could clearly remember her mother's tear filled eyes when she saw her. Her mother immediately fell apart when she saw her.

Sam could remember her saying sorry so many times that Sam think that it's not really a word anymore.

"Sam, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... "

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