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Hi guys!

So before I start, I want to warn you that there may be some grammar mistakes and that's because I'm trying to change my writing style. :P

I am trying to convey Sam's feelings in this chapter in a much more detailed way.

But that's about it so I really hope that you guys enjoy this long chapter!

So without any further ado....

Here's the Chapter 11

Sam went down the stairs with a tired yawn. The sun was already up but the weather was getting colder and colder since winter was coming. She wondered if she would get to celebrate the holiday with her friends or maybe even her own family.

She immediately discarded the thought.

Who knew that she'll still be thinking of her own family after all this time. Whenever Christmas would come, there would always be lights and decorations around their house. And a Christmas tree that was too bright and too big. She would always enjoy the Christmas songs playing in her mother's Bluetooth speaker as her brothers sang over the warm fireplace.

It's such a beautiful yet sad memory.

She suddenly let the overwhelming emotions get to her.

Her aunt's house is amazing. One hundred percent. It's a beautiful and a very peaceful place to live in, it will be filled with new memories and it will be surrounded with some new warmth. But it's not her house. It's still not the same.

No one can replace her beautiful old memories.

"There you are!" Josephine immediately trotted towards her and she gave her a small and tight smile.

Smiling has become harder and harder as time passes by. It's close to being foreign now. She was just... She was just so tired of trying to be normal when it won't be normal.

"G'morning, Aunt Josephine." She greeted. Aunt Josephine has been nothing but nice to her so she should better behave properly or else she'll just go back to being alone and lonely.

Josephine grinned and ruffled her hair, earning a grumble from Samantha. She swatted her aunt's hand away and gave her a weird look.

"What was that for?" Samantha asks, feeling a bit grumpy at what her aunt did. She just brushed her hair! She didn't want it all to be tangled and messy again.

"Breakfast's ready." She declared and gave her a brush. Sam raised her brow at it and looked at Josephine who also raised a brow.

"What? Not gonna take it?" Her aunt asked, pushing the brush towards her. "Your hair's a mess, brush it properly."

"And whose fault is that?" Sam mumbled and snatched the brush and started making her hair look more presentable.

Josephine only smiled. A smile that was not fake nor mocking. It was just a genuine smile that Samantha has surprisingly come to like.

"C'mon, time to eat, kiddo."

Samantha then grimaced at the thought of food. She wasn't hungry at all. Ever since coming to her aunt's place, she never wanted to touch any food even if it's for her. It just feels wrong to eat when they're already taking care of her. She already have a place to sleep, a roof to live in, a beautiful scenery just outside of her window and all of it is just amazing and perfect. She couldn't ask for more than that. They've given her a lot already and she's taking it without anything to repay them.

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