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Kyle crumpled on the floor as he watched his little sister leave with Daniel and Xendrix.

They were left with an eerie silence, no one spoke for a while. No one doesn't have the right mind to talk right now.

She left. That's processing up in their minds. It feels like it's all a dream. Something that they can't seem to accept. It's as if only yesterday, they were laughing about stupid things and now they're a mess.

"Why did you say that?" Noah whispered in disbelief.

"I-I-I thought that it could make her s-s-stay!" Kyle cried as Isaac pulled him up to his feet and gave him a punch.

Kyle stumbled, blood was dripping from his nose as Isaac came charging at him like an angry bull and pushed him to the floor with a very hard punch.

Isaac was panting hard, glaring at Kyle as if it was his entire fault that this was happening.

Kyle wasn't looking at his brother. He was crying too much to care.

"Stop, Isaac!" Lucas shouted, pulling him away from his younger brother but Isaac growled and pushed Lucas instead.

Lucas stumbled back and clenched his fist as Isaac glared at him.

"It was his fault that-"

"Damn it. Shut your mouth, you idiotic stupid moron." Tyler shouted, walking in front if Lucas as to shield him off.

Isaac was furious but Tyler was burning with rage.

"You don't get to point out who's fault this is! It's ours, in case you're too blind to see it." Tyler scoffed. "I've had enough of this and you're going to f*cking stop being the childish prick here and I suggest you to act as our eldest brother, okay?"

"You also don't get to say that to him!" Jayden defended. "You're also at fault here!"

"Oh boo-hoo! Cry me a puddle here, will ya? Cry me the whole damn ocean if you can. Of course It's also my fault, you whiny narcissistic idiot! It's my fault for not helping her, my fault for not being there for her, it's my fault for being the most downright stupid brother I have ever been to her!" Tyler shouted, challenging for Jayden to continue but he gulped and backed down like a dog whose tail is in between its legs.

"So yeah, it's my fault but unlike you, I'm willing to say these things out loud. I'm the idiot now. The insensitive one. The moron. Lucas is willing to say these things out loud but how about you guys? How about saying it right now, huh? Are you just willing to just point out who's fault this is?"

There were some things that her brothers were to prideful to say it out loud.

And that's their mistakes.

And if they don't acknowledge that then there's no hope of getting her back to them.

"It's a huge large sign... " Lucas said, sounding a bit breathless. They all look at him and he was trying not to cry. "Sammy left us. My little sweet girl, left us and we're... Arguing here like a bunch of kids. Maybe she's right. Maybe the problem is not her, it's us."

"What do you mean?" Noah asked, wiping his tears.

Lucas laughed but it sounded empty, void of any kind of emotions.

"We're too... Stuck up in this argument that it's going around in circles. We're following the ones who we think is right and I'm... I'm tired of it." He nodded to himself as if that answered his questions.

"Yeah... I'm tired of listening to all of your BS so if you excuse me." Lucas spat his words like venom. "I'm going get my sister back, even if I'm going to kneel down and let her kill me."

"You can't do that!" Isaac shouted. "We're in this together."

Lucas shook his head. "No. Don't use that crap on me, Isaac. You can't control me. If you all can't acknowledge the fact that we made a huge grave mistake then this is on you, brother. If you don't try and stop being a pompous prick here then you're enemy's not our brothers, you'll be facing me, got that?"

"How can we even acknowledge our mistakes?" Noah asked as if he's asking himself. He's in a daze, not like himself.

Tyler answered him. "Try thinking of what we've done to her."

"We've done nothing wrong to her!" Jayden defended.

"Then why did she leave us?" Kyle asked. "Tell me, Jayden, were we there when she was having a nightmare? Were we there when she was falling into depression? Were we there for her her? No. Don't look innocent and tell me that we gave her our time. We barely helped her. Barely, Jayden, barely..."

Lucas walked away and Tyler followed him.

It was their fault and they were too prideful to admit it. Their Samantha left them and they're still arguing? They're running in circles.

Were they this stupid?


Yes, yes you were.

Anyways! Here you guys are. You wanted some point of view of the brothers and this is their point of view after Kyle said those mean words to Samantha.

What do you guys think? Do you think that they're being too annoying and selfish or do they really deserve some second chance?

Leave a vote guys!

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