Pretend Parents

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Bonus# 3


"I need you to take care of my baby."

Sam looked at her aunt in disbelief and she just looked sheepish.

"Aunt Josephine!" Sam cried and then looked at the woman in front of her again. "I'm sorry ma'am but I am in no place to take care of a baby!"

"Well usually, Xendrix would do this job." The woman huffed. "And sometimes Daniel but alas, have you seen those two idiots?"

Sam shook his head and laughed nervously. "You scarily sound like my aunt."

But I'm even more surprised that Xendrix would do these kinds of job.

The woman laughed. "I get that a lot." She then sighed and looked down at her baby. "But since you're related to Sephy, I'll trust you."

This woman, Layla, was her aunt's friend. Today, they were supposed to have a girls night out and since Xendrix ran out of the role of being a babysitter.

"B-But... " Sam tried but Josephine gave her a smile that told her not to back off from this.

"It's just one day." The Layla persisted. "Please?"

Sam bit her tongue as she looked at the baby again. He was sleeping so peacefully, it was as if he won't turn into a devil and throw a tantrum at any moment.

After a moment, Sam sighed in defeat. "Fine."

"Great!" Layla said, not too loudly or else the baby will stir and cry. "So this is Peter. I have all the things you'll need at that bag."

Josephine raised the said bag and smiled at Sam.

"Do you know how to hold a baby?" Layla asked in a rather playful manner.

Sam chuckled and nodded.

"Okay... " Layla then slowly gave Peter to Sam and Sam just couldn't help looking at the little guy. He's just adorable!

"Hey Petey... " Sam cooed. "I'm Sammy. It's nice to meet you."

Even though she knows that this baby can't understand her, it just feels right to introduce yourself.

Even if it's a baby.

"I'll leave you to it!"


Not long after his mother left, the baby began to wail.

Sam tried not to panic because hey, what does an eighteen year old know about taking care of a baby?

Still, she tried not to panic and made shushing sounds. Rocking him gently in her arms. The little baby still cried. It was a heartbreaking cry that made Sam look at him sympathetically.

"Maybe you're hungry." She whispered more to herself. "Your diaper doesn't seem to be heavy yet too."

Sam sighed and while the baby was propped in her arms, she immediately made a bottle for Peter. She's got to admit that it was hard  to hold a crying baby while making his formula.

Just in time, Gabriel entered the house with a duffle bag placed on his shoulder. "Hey, cookie. What— Wait a sec, I want to have kids but not this early, lil' Stones."

Sam wanted to give him a snarky retort but there's a baby in her arms that's in need.

"Great, you're here." Sam mused.

"Surprise." Gabriel smirked.

Sam wanted to give him a snarky retort but Peter needs to have his bottle. She ignored Gabriel and propped Peter up. "Okay, Peter, let's see if this does the trick."

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