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Xendrix and Daniel

"Do you think that she'll get better?" Xendrix asked with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands.

Daniel sighed, leaning against his chair, sighing tiredly, he shrugged.

"I don't know, Xen. I just don't know how to help her."

Xendrix let out a tired sigh of his own. "Well I think she's doing great than most people. She's eating well, she's talking..." He trailed off, waiting for his brother to reply back.

"But what about how she feels?" Daniel asks, giving him a pointed look. "You can't just say that she's doing fine just because she's doing things that you consider normal, Xen."

"I know." Xendrix said as he took a sit across his brother. "I know that. I know that she's keeping it all in. I can see it, Dan. It's like a switch. One thing she's fine then after a while later, she'll be the opposite of fine!"

Daniel looked at his brother for a moment and thought that his brother is changing.

Was that even possible?

Before, Xendrix hated Samantha like she's a mosquito biting on his skin. Daniel also disliked her but Xendrix was somehow on a different level of dislike. Daniel wouldn't say it out loud but the reason why Xendrix was so mad at Sam before was because he's mad that Sam gets to be alive and Lydia's deeply buried in a grave.

It's unfair to Samantha, they know that now. They shouldn't blame Sam for any of Lydia's death but can you really blame them?

They lost a sister.

But now, Xendrix's acting as if this is a grave problem, which it is, but what he meant to say is that Xendrix is now the most worried one out of the two of them.

Almost like as if he's... panicking.

"Do you think that we should get her a therapist?" Xendrix suggested with worry in his tone.

Daniel looked at his brother in concern. "I've been thinking about that. I know that she needs one. I just don't want her to look like she's a goner, Xen. That's all I want. So, if she needs a therapist then we'll get her a therapist."

"The kid's got trust issues." Xendrix commented, sipping on his chocolate drink with grace.

Daniel rolled his eyes. "Who wouldn't get trust issues after that, Xendrix?"

Xendrix nodded, looking at his chocolate drink with a thoughtful look, as if he's lost in his own thoughts.

After a while, he spoke again. "You're aware that our sister has done that to Sam, right?"

Daniel was surprised that Xendrix have asked that but he knows why he's got the urge to ask it. The one who gave Sam a traumatizing childhood memories was their sister. Their sister who they thought was nice and sweet.

Who wouldn't be surprised? Lydia was seen as the sweetest angel and it's hard to believe that she did that. She turned into a devil in the end though.

They should've been careful with her.
They should've watched Lydia more closely.

The devil was once an angel, after all.

"Yeah." Xendrix took a sip from his cup again and smiled at him. "Do you remember?"

Daniel raised a brow. "Remember what?"

"That I used to look like a 'goner' too?" He said, looking somewhat sad and nostalgic.

He lost his twin sister. No matter what Lydia did, Xendrix lost a sister. It's not that Xendrix was taking Lydia's side. Of course he's mad at what she did. Furious even.  Because what she did was wrong. It's so very wrong but she's gone now. She's dead.

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