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Sometimes, there's her good days.

"Samanatha!" Daniel gasped out her name in shock as he stared at her.

Sam couldn't help but give him a little smirk as she licked her finger that was filled with chocolate frosting.

He then wiped the frosting out of his cheek with his finger and just glared at her. "Was that really necessary?"

Sam shrugged. "Depends on the level of necessary that we're talking about right now and if you want to know about mine then yes, it is really necessary."

Daniel licked his finger. "Why?"

Sam shrugged. "Just wanted to know your reaction."

Xendrix snickered from his chair and the two looked at him.

He gleefully smiled at them. "Well, sweet plums, you're a smart girl and as a smart girl, you'll know that Daniel's reaction would be... " He trailed off, tapping the table as to mock a banging drum and continued. "Royally pissed. Yup, lucky you."

Sam snorted and crossed her arms. "Uhm...  Excuse me, stranger. Where's the rude and mean Xendrix? Happy Xendrix scares me, especially when he's super happy."

Xendrix gave her a glare. "Shut up, that was just upsetting."

Daniel chuckled. "Well, I think that I know how to lure the big bad wolf out."

Sam hummed in amusement. "How?"

Daniel looked back at the cake and Sam followed his sight and she just grinned when she realized his plan. She looked back at Xendrix and he just completely paled.

"I know what you're trying to do." He started to clumsily stand up with a nervous smile on his face.

Sam took a little swipe of the chocolate frosting and smiled lovingly at him. Daniel did the same.

"And what do you think we'll do?"

"Sam, you better stay." He warned and he glared at his brother. "I mean it, you asshole!"

"Now, now!" Daniel smiled. "No foul words, Xen."

"For fuck's sake!" Xendrix shouted, backing away from them. "You keep moving and I will kill you two!"

"Two against one?" Daniel asked and shook his head. "I don't think so, baby brother."

Sam couldn't help but laugh weakly at them. "Baby brother?"

Xendrix groaned. "Shut up, Sammy."

"Don't be so bitter." Sam pouted. "It hurts me."

"Well, get ready because you'll get more hurt if you get closer to me!"

"Hey!" Sam growled. "That's unfair, how about Dani?"

Xendrix shrugged. "Him too but whatever! I'm outta here so bye, idiots!"

And Xendrix took off as the two followed him.

Good things stay as good things.

They stay and let you remember all of those fun, lovable memories that you have once have experienced and it's beautiful.

It's beautiful and it's even more beautiful because you can remember it forever. You can cherish it and place it close to your heart where you put all of your loved ones near.

They love her and she knows it.

Her aunt loves her.

Xendrix and Daniel does.

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