1. Grimmauld Place 12

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Hey there people! I just wanted to let you know that this is the sequel to Darkest Desire, and that I hope you'll enjoy yourselves reading about the continuation of Aurora's and Severus's story. It's all unedited, so please bear with me, and don't forget to comment and vote!


The harsh wind was biting into my skin with an overwhelming strength. It felt as if a thousand pinpricks were digging into the exposed skin of my face and hands. Pulling my long black coat tighter around my I fumbled with my scarf, tightening the Pearl-grey fabric around my neck with feeble fingers, numb from the cold.

My eyes darted across the empty street, my body fighting against the freezing wind as my silvery blond hair whipped around my face, causing me to squint in the near-dark. A lone streetlight provided little to no illumination, and the tell-tale sound of my boots on the cobblestone street was enough to cause me to look around suspiciously. Night was falling, the shadows rapidly approaching as I made my way through the deserted street.

When I finally reached the small plaza of which I had the address memorized, I felt relief flood through me as I reached inside the pocket of my jacket to retrieve a crumpled piece of paper.

Making sure I wasn't being followed I wandered over to a secluded corner of the square, where an iron bench provided some means of cover. Sitting down I looked at the piece of paper, remembering Albus' s insistence on secrecy as he gave me the address to the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

~Grimmauld Place 12~

That was all that was written on the paper, but knowing the nature of an Unreadable House I knew it was enough. With a flick of my fingers the paper was lit afire, burning up almost instantly and leaving behind nothing more than ashes dancing in the wind.

Wiping my hands clean on my jean-clad thighs I stood up, looking around as to find the house that should have appeared by now.

And it had.

It was a rather grim looking place. The residence was made out of dark grey bricks, with ominous-looking windows barred by rusty iron bars and gargoyles looming over the edge of the roof, stone expressions grim and harsh.

All in all, it looked more like the residence if some dark wizzard rather than harboring the headquarters of an order created to free the people from the oppressing darkness that haunted our people.

Sighing I made my way up the stone steps, coming to a stop in front of an dark mahogany door made out of nearly black wood that had an old worn look to it.

Remembering Albus's warning I knocked on the door instead of ringing the bell that hung next to the door. An echoing silence followed the knocks, and then I heard noises coming from inside the house.

Soundlessly the door opened...

Looking up I found myself looking into a pair of silvery grey eyes, that were taking me in with unhidden curiosity.

I knew immediately who it was.

Sirius Black.

I had seen him not long ago, the night of the third and final challenge of the Triwizard Tournament. I had seen him transform into a giant black dog, and later heard from Albus about the true story behind the Ministry's murder charges against Black. False charges, I might add.

Now I could only smile up at the handsome man standing in front of me. His wild hair was dark and unkempt, with the long strands framing his sharp features as he observed me. He stood taller than me, but only by a few inches, and as he took a step aside to allow me entrance to the house he seemed expectant, as if he was waiting for me to react a certain way. Having witnessed firsthand Molly Weasley's reaction to seeing the supposed "mass murderer" Sirius Black, I was guessing he was expecting me to freak out.

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