Chapter 22 Zepar's Final Move

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Warning, this chapter contains uncomfortable and disturbing scenes.


While the parents had no idea what to expect from this girl, the D-Team knew exactly what Kami and her dinos can do.

The Akuno member was standing behind her dinosaurs with the black cosmos stone around her neck.

"Not this again..." Zoe murmured.

"Who is this?" Rosie asked.

"Kami Ike. She's a strong member of the Akuno," Max replied, "I don't think we can defeat her without the others."

"We don't have to defeat her; we only need to take the cosmos stone," Rex explained, "that's how Zepar controls her. She's-" He felt a sudden urge of telling them who their enemy is, however, he knew it'd be better if she told them herself.

He must save her before telling the truth.

Spiny and Tank charged at them.

"Dino slash!"

Chomp, Ace, Paris, and Blitz appeared and stopped the two dinos. The lightning dinos attacked Spiny while Ace and Paris took care of Tank.

The families moved closer to Kami.

"Don't waste your time," she told them monotonously, "you have only 1.48% chance of winning, don't even try."

"There is a chance," Mike pointed out.

Kami growled.

"We'll just get this over with," Spike said, swiping his whip at the stone she was wearing. Before the whip could reach her she drew out her own whip, stopping his. The whips tangled.

"It won't be that easy."

The batteling dinosaurs shifted to the group, preventing them from getting to Kami.

Zoe pouted. "We'll see about that. Metal Wing!" She swiped her move card. As the Pteranodons appeared, she ordered them to get to Kami, however, the princess was prepared for that.

Kami placed two cards to the hexagon on her glove. "Tupuxuara Dive. Anhanguera Dive."

A Tupuxuara and two Anhangueras appeared fighting the Pteranodons.


As Zakuro requested, most of the owners and guardians gathered at her house. Except for the two families that were fighting Kami at the moment, Dr. Owen, Cole, Sue, Amy, Alice, Kyra, Lucy, and Nicolas were missing.

Wendy who came with Sabi and the Makuto siblings took care of her son but stayed because Zakuro insisted.

"So, why are we here?" Niki asked.

"It's better if we wait for the others," Dengyo suggested.

Justin looked at his communicator. "I doubt they will come. A dinosaur has appeared."

"Does that mean that we'll just wait?" Andy wondered, "or...?"



Meanwhile, Ace and Paris tossed Tank away. She landed on the top part of the road, curling into a ball and rolling down the street where Chomp and Blitz battled Spiny and the families stood.

The families and Spiny managed to dodge the rolling Saichania, but the Triceratops and Styracosaurus didn't and got knocked down.

The Saichania stopped and uncurled.

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