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Authors note: if you are reading this I love you. If I love you you should be happy so you are welcome. JK now read my darlings read to your hearts desire!! The guy is robby


Sasha's POV 

I woke up to my alarm clock going off. I groaned and checked the time WTF its 7:15 I have to be at school by 8:30. I hurried to get ready and shoved myself into the shower oh nice hot shower. Then I threw on my chemical romance shirt and some red jeans. Running down stairs I put my hair up in to a pony tail. At the table I saw everyone eating so of course I swept in and stole the remainder of Tyler's ceral. I stuck a spoonful in my mouth just as he exclaimed "what the hell Sasha that's MY breakfast" 

I grinned and said "not any more" 

He growled then stomped off. I laughed grabbed my brothers and nodded at them seriously but with a giddy grin on my face. The looked at me then ran for their bikes knowing that one of them was gonna get pranked today.  

I chuckled then rode to school shouting out the lyrics to teenagers by chemical romance. At school I ran up to Ally to tell her my plan for a prank but she yelled at me before I could.  

"Sasha what is wrong with you I say wait for me and you go home I had to ask derek for a ride."  

I being my self replied "two things number one: I'm sorry but the hippos told me to. Plus I didn't know that it was so important to you. And number two who the hell is Derek?"  

Ally grinned lovingly and said " it's fine and Derek is my mate now down to business why did you come over here"  

I slapped myself in the forehead and said "oh yeah I came over here mmmm why'd I do oh yeah I remember I'm gonna prank the boys today."  

Ally squealed then said with an evil chuckle "what are we doing this time". I whispered my plan in her ear then she nodded and went to my house to set up part of the prank.  

I skipped first period and went to visit the pantry for the home ec. Room I took some supplies then I went to the art room and gathered some stuff.  


Ally POV 

'I love to help Sasha with pranks' I thought driving to my houses. We keep our prank supplies there so no one finds them. Let's see the prank is directed at  

Caleb and what ever slut he decides to bring back to the house. Mwa ha ha ha he will be so embarrassed and mad. I can't wait! I finished up and checked my watch CRAP!!! They should be getting out of first period soon.  

I drove to school and saw Sasha running out. She looked at me and screamed " hurry we must watch the buffaloes mistakes" I jump out of my car and ran in to the school just in time for the bell to ring. We stood and watched as our prank began.....


Hey people who are reading this I love you *SMOOCH SMOOCH* so what do you think of my Cliffy I love cliff hangers and insulting bimbos. But that is off topic sorry it is so short I love you stick around for the next chappie!!!!!!!

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