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Hey guys this is my first story I'm having a lot of problems!!! I just realized that I had to delete my character cast so you don't know who any one is. on the side is my darling Sasha

Sasha-main character 16 has four brothers two are her triplets crazy has black hair and bright green eyes. Lindsey Lohan when she had dark hair

Tyler-one of Sasha's triplets macho athlete has black hair and brown eyes.

Garson-one of the triplets nerd computer geek black hair brown eyes.  

Robert-Robby-Badass like Sasha a twin to Caleb 18 senior brown hair green eyes.

Caleb-Robby's twin considered a player never actually done more than kissing brown hair and green eyes. young Aaron Johnson

Sasha's pov 

I felt some one shake my shoulder and so I did the logical thing I punched then in the stomach. Hey groaned and said " Sasha what the hell was that for" hey wait I recognize that voice it's Tyler oops " sorry bro you really shouldn't have done that haven't I told you this before" he shook his head at me smiling and said " get up it's the first day of school" I moaned and said " fine " getting out of my perfect bed. "get out" I snapped noticing Tyler was still there "unless you wanna see me naked" raising my shirt. I laughed as he sprinted out I hopped in the shower after making sure it was warm after my shower I got dressed. Today my outfit consist of my black skinny jeans my white and black striped shirt and my leather jacket. After I was dressed I looked at my self in the mirror thinking what in the world should I do with my hair eventually I just flat ironed it. Once I was done I went down stairs only to be tackled by Garson while he tackled me I screamed "the fudge monkeys they came for me o my gosh there gonna kidnapp me help" when Garson loosened his hold to give me odd looks I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my hip. When he hit the ground I cried out "score". Then my brothers shoved me in to the garage and on to my baby my beautiful bike it is midnight blue with my name across the side in black it is gorgeous. Once I got to school I ran inside looking for my bestie Ally. when she saw me she ran up screaming "I BBQed all my hobo barbies." I laughed and said " oh no we were supposed to do that together how could you forget me" I grabbed her shoulders and shook her. Then Robby yelled " oh my gosh shut up lets go get our schedules." We got our schedules and compared them only to discover we all had the same exact one. I chuckled evilly thinking oh they will regret that.

Our schedule  

1st period math no!!! Why I thought seeing it  

2nd PE yes!! As a werewolf PE comes to me very easily.  

3rd period spanish oh no I suck at english I can't handle another language  

4th period art yes!!!! I can paint my bros! 


5th period history ugh I'm gonna die 

6th period science at least I'll have Ally and my brothers to entertain me.  

7th period free period yes!!!!!!!!! That means I can skip the end of school!

Ally and I grabbed each other and did the tango down the hall into math during math the only exciting thing was I fell asleep and the teacher called me so as I awoke and rose up off the desk I said Amen to make it look like I had been praying.  

Then my family went to PE where we did obstacle courses. I am the queen of obstacle courses so out of the whole class I was the best.  

In spanish I didn't understand what was going on so when I was called on I just yelled "taco." In art we where supposed to do anything so I dumped red paint and glitter on Caleb then yelled "mrs.Gipson I'm done it's a life sized model of Caleb isn't it good she laughed and nodded then took a SHARPIE and wrote an A on his cheek. After that she let him go wash up. 

Next was lunch both Ally and I had forgotten our lunches so we stole pieces of my brothers. After that we didn't want to go to any of our lessons so we went home. Once I got home Ally and I got in to our pjs and watched lion king once it was over we fed ourselves dinner. After dinner we were exausted so we went to bed. Good thing Ally keeps extra clothing here.


*authors note* 

I am so sorry about the crappy writing but I accidentally deleted my first draft and I wanted to post tonight so here is a crap story lol.

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