Chapter 27

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Youngboy POV

After she went to sleep I had to take a second and just look at her. Cause like Damn she fuckin beautiful.

9/10 females be Cute or ugly but there was no possible way you could mistake her for ugly. She look TOO damn good.

This girl My bestfriend too. After some time I got up and went downstairs.

"Damn yall finished that fast?" Ben asked and I smacked my teeth. "We aint ein fuck stupid." I said and he threw the Tv remote at me but I moved out the way letting it hit the wall. "Sum seem off wit her." Ben said and I hummed. "I noticed. She smile's alot. It dont reach her though." I said and he nodded. "Her Vibe is weird. Like two sided." Ben said and we all nodded. "Yeah I noticed that Too. Its like one is Joyful Nice and shit then the ova is Dangerous laid back and depressin." Kd said and I looked over at him. "Yeah Ian gon go to deep though yet." I said sliding on the couch.

"Whea she at anyway?" Boomer asked and I looked over at him while I pulled my phone out. "On my bed sleep." I said unlocking my phone and getting on twitter. "How you know she aint gon steal yo shit?" Ben asked and I rolled my eyes. "She asked for my hoodie and I told her No. Imma give ha the benefit or doubt. She try me imma Kill her, simple." I said and they all nodded.

Thats what their used too.

"And you said you met her How?" Kd asked and I rolled my eyes. "I texted ha phone by accident tryna get in contact wit Joe." I said and he nodded his head slowly. "Yall finna be like Sandy and Spongebob." Kd said making us bust out laughin.

I connected my phone to the Tv and Played my music. I looked at my box on the table and thought about it. She really did take my box off. Then I remembered I gotta get her cheetos and hersheybar.

"Imma be right back." I said getting up and walking clean out the door. I hopped in my Black Mazarati. I hit the gas going down the block. Only to the corner store though.

I grabbed my hoodie out the backseat and pulled it over my head. I hopped out the car putting my hood on and I walked into the store. I grabbed her a bag of hershey Kisses and got myself some Jalapeño cheetos. I walked up to the counter and Shawty was real starin at me.

It was pissin me off so I just grabbed my shit and walked out. I know im wrong for not payin but she was starin too hard. I hopped in my car and drove back to the house.

When I walked in they was still on the game so I went straight upstairs into my room. I noticed Ree phone was flashing so I set the snacks on the nightstand and grabbed her phone.

Her brother was blowing her phone up like shit. "Ree." I said shaking her lightly. "Amaryllis." I called and her eyes opened. It looked like she was stuck for a second before she rubbed her eyes and looked at me. "Why you wakin me up?" She said and I laughed a lil bit. "Girl yo brova blowin yo shit up." I said holding her phone to her and she grabbed it. She didnt even read the messages she just went to call em.

I turned around getting on my phone and actually went to her Instagram. I liked her photos and stuff not really paying attention to whatever the fuck she was talking about on the phone.

"Boy I'm good... Nah... Yeah I got my shit on me.... I only took bout a half a gram... The rest of its in my Fendi bag." She said as the smell of weed came over me and I turned looking at her.

This girl had her phone in between her ear and shoulder while she was rolling her shit. Then its like the way her long ponytail looked and the sun comin in through the blinds made ger skin glow. Without a doubt she looked Beautiful and ian even the one to say no stupid shit like that.

"Dont trip bruh I trust my bestfriend enough to not do no stupid shit like that." She said snapping me out my thoughts. "Bruh whateva Imma seeya later." She said before hanging up and looking at me. "Hea." She said handing me a Blunt and that shit was jhi stuffed. Where the hell did she pull weed from, her back pocket?

Sum hit my head and fell on the bed and when I looked it was this Burgundy bic. "You take forever." She said and I looked at her blowing out the smoke. I lit my shit and joined her. "So what was you and Ol boy talkin bout?" I ask hittin my shit and glancing at her. "He wanted to know where I was at but ian wanna give em your house location cuz this yo shit, ya know. He wanted to check up so I tol em I got my strap then he asked bout the weed and I told em I only grabbed half the rest was in my bag." She said and I nodded.

She really aint give him the address to my place.

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