Chapter twenty

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Recap: Laksh is back

Ragini stood there, she was looking at them, he was holding Princess and calming her. She has recognised him, just by his touch and presence. I wonder if she had ever forgot him?

Princess was happy, she was trying to grab something, Laksh was holding her face to face, "what you want?" He was confused, he used to know everything before she came to the world, but now he has no idea, what she want. He pouts, then he took her closer which makes her happier, she touches his nose and smiles.

Laksh smiles too, "oh you wanted to touch me, sorry I didn't understood you, but I will soon be able to understand each of your moves and behaviours." He kisses the small hand of Princess, she giggles and automatically placed the kissed hand on her lips.

Laksh hold her close, he stood up from the ground, as he didn't felt right to sit on the bed without the permission, "wow you got my gift." He was happy seeing the cradle in the room in use, "do you like it? I mean can you sleep in it?"

Princess had put her fingers in her own mouth, she was slobbering from her mouth, he was just admiring her.

Ragini stood there, here legs become heavy, she couldn't neither she wanted to disturb the moment. He is back, he won't let her alone again. I know he is here for her.

She leans on the doorframe with crossed arms, she was admiring him till she felt her loneliness. Sid...

Ragini turns away, she hold her breath not to make a noise, she moves from there to be alone in her misery. If you would be here, then? Her tears were flowing down her cheeks, she was in the washroom sitting on the cold ground.

Laksh was walking with her to the cradle, "what is your name? I need to know otherwise I will call you only Princess, but that is not right. Huh?" He was holding her up close to his face and shaking her a little bit. She was smiling and slobbering over him.

"Diya," a low voice from the back said, "just Diya."

Laksh turns and saw her, "Ragini?" He said and a smile appears on his face, soon the smile faded seeing the red nose of her.

"Everything alright?" He asked and she nodded her head, "yes, all is fine." She moves into the room, "how are you?" She asked him and he slightly moves his head.

"Fine, but looking at her I'm more than fine. I'm happy." He kisses her cheek and she laughs full heartily.

Ragini was happy too, she was smiling looking at them, "you know, we were praying for you whenever we had the time, right?" Ragini hold the little hand of her daughter and she shook it in agreement.

"She missed you a lot."

Laksh was looking at her, "yes, and I missed her."

They all have stopped the party as they too felt something strange, AP was standing there at the door, "Laksh!" She shouts and rushes to her son, she took him into a tight hug.

"Maa Princess, I mean Diya."

All were looking at him in surprise, "you gave her a name?" They asked and he shook his head looking at Ragini.

"Actually I gave her the name, I just didn't felt it was the right time to tell you all." She took Princess from Laksh hands and placed her carefully into the cradle, "Haaw I forgot the baby-phone. Sorry!" She hold her ears and Laksh was hugged from the back.

"Uttara?" He said and turns to take his sister in a hug.

"Bhai I'm so upset with you." She was hitting while he was admiring her.

"I have been missing for a few months and I return to see my little sister expecting?"

Uttara lowers her gaze, "yes." She shies but immediately got a hug and a kiss from her brother.

Swara shook her head, "it's my day you are stealing my show!"

"Even I missed you." Laksh hugs her and looked at dried hands, "Uhm my brother doesn't love you."

They all laughed.

"Why are you all laughing? It's me who is going to have to bear this woman." Sanskaar hugs his brother and was happy to have him back.

"Family reunion over?" Laksh asked, "if you all don't mind I would like to take some rest." They nodded to him, "sure." The voice of his father made him relieved, he left the room of Ragini to take a nap on his own bed.

They all continued with the preparation, Sanskaar and Swara were happy, "finally this wedding is good for something. Laksh has returned!" They gave each other a high-five and went back to their places.

Ragini was in her room, she was looking around, "where is Mr. Bunny?" She was looking around while Laksh was finally finding his peace.

He was smiling thinking of her, the little things she had to give. Ragini you don't know how much I love you, only princess knows it, there is more for you than only respect. You both are my source of energy I could survive only because thinking of you.

I was walking through the jungle and found the fireplace, it was a hideout of some unauthorised hunters. They were behind wild animals and I cross their paths, luckily I was prepared and could defeat them. I found a map and GPS phone, it was working but the thick forest made it difficult, yet the map was helpful. I found a way out of the jungle and land into a village, they gave me a shelter and first aid. I could contact the army and they rescued me, they flow me to the army hospital. I asked them to keep it as a secret that I survived you never know what would an injury bring. Luckily nothing serious and I got the notification that Swara and Sanskaar are getting married. It was like a sign.

Ragini found Mr. Bunny as always near the bed. Princess loves to sleep next to her mother. Well close to the pictures on the bed side, which were unseen by Laksh.


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