"Nod if you understand" (Hopp&Mike)

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Hi!!... In the show we couldn't hear that conversation that Hopper had with Mike, So here is my version of what happened on that road trip to Mike's house.

"Nods if you understand!!"

Hopper started the truck, that would be a long trip for Mike.

"Listen Wheleer, I like you but I'm sick of you, I've been patient because I thought I owed you, but you know what? ... I don't owe you anything, I was just trying to protect El, And now I try to do the same, I won't let a hormonal teenager corrupt her!!"

" WHAT!!??" Mike interrupted him offended " ... I .. I never, really I never ..."

"¿Do something wrong?". Hopper completed his sentence, almost mockingly  ..." You're a teenager and that makes you stupid, I know you're not a bad person, but I don't trust you, not in THIS aspect"

"You are crazy!! , this is unfair, I have also done everything to take care of Eleven, we follow all your rules, I do not understand, ¿what else do you want from me?". For Mike, it was increasingly difficult to contain his anger.

"This is what we will do ... I need your visits to be minimized, I don't know, twice a week seems right to me"

"Twice!!?? Definitely not!  Why are you doing this?"

Hopper was staring at the road, His knuckles were white by the force with which he took the wheel.

"First, I am not asking you, it is an order and second;I do this for Eleven's sake, this thing you two have is not healthy, you are spending too much time alone and that is ... Dangerous, you are too young to understand"

"Ha! I think we understand more about love than you, you can't tell us how to love while you spend your life hiding from any feeling, that's cowardly"

Hopper brakes abruptly, Mike almost knocks against the car, turned to him and his gaze was frightening, At that moment he knew that he had crossed the line and that he had lost the opportunity to negotiate a better agreement.

"You don't know anything about me, you don't know what I've been through, you show me that I'm right, You're a brat, immature and I need you to keep your distance with El". Hopper was furious.

"Wait, how will I do that? I can't just get away from her, I promised I would see her tomorrow, like every day... "

"Invent something Wheeler, use your imagination, I thought you were a smart guy". Hopper interrupted Mike, he was losing patience.

"And ... if I don't want to do it?, are you going to force me?, Maybe I'll just tell Eleven all this, I'll tell her you're crazy". Mike knew he shouldn't challenge Hopper, but at this point he wasn't thinking clearly.

"Then it's over, Wheleer... I'll assume you don't care about her well-being and I won't let you see her... PERMANENTLY , I'm not asking for something very complicated, just decreasing the time you spend with her without mentioning me, is my offer". Hopper was waiting for Mike's response, they had come to his house so the conversation had to end.

"I will...". Mike's voice was defeated.

"But I don't agree with what you want to do, it's unfair, I thought I had already shown you how important she is to me and, and, whatever.. Good night"

Hopper could hear pain and resentment in Mike's words, Part of him knew that he was a good guy, he wanted to call him and apologize, But his wild and controlling side took the lead that night. He was happy to have achieved what he wanted.

If he had known that in a few days he would see that same boy hold his daughter and fight a battle at her side, Risking his life for her, Maybe he would have given him a chance, maybe he would have told him that he is a great guy, maybe if he had known there would be no more time, Things would have been different.
The next time he saw him, he would keep all those words, it would be too late and just tell him ... "Be careful" Hoping he could interpret his silence as a "I'm sorry ... I trust you, I know that if someone loves her more than me in this world, it's you"

Tks for reading...
With Love... Eli💕

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