Mike is possessed

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The incredible image above inspired me, the artist is José Ramos💕

The way he looked at her was cold, colder than the Arctic climate of that place.
"Mike please, it's me, it's El, please don't give up, Don't let him control you". She was completely helpless, because although she regained her powers, she wasn't going to use them against Mike and now him, the boy she loved wanted to kill her.
"I warned you, I told you that I would end up with you and take away everything you loved".Those horrible words came out of Mike's mouth, but it wasn't his voice, it was the voice of the mindflyer.
"Mike, please."  She begged while he cornered her against a wall, the knife getting closer to her throat. Fear consumed her, she didn't know what else to do, she had resigned herself to die, that was when an idea came to her and her mouth whispered without thinking.

" 353 days,remember?... 353 days".She placed a hand on his cheek as she felt Mike's eyes recover a little from his usual warmth, that encouraged her to continue.
"You didn't give up, you didn't give up on me, for 353 days, I just ask you one more day, do it one more time, for me, please come back to me, don't give up".Mike lowered the knife slowly, as a tear slid down his face.
El?  God, I ... I'm sorry, I didn't want to ... I could never...". Mike could not finish his sentence, black marks appeared all over his skin, he seemed to be suffering immense pain, he fell to his knees.
" El, I don't know how long I can hold him, You have to destroy him while it's inside me, he knows you wouldn't hurt me, that's why he's using me but we have no choice, my life is not as important as yours, that of our friends and that of everyone in the world".
She immediately shook her head, she was not willing to leave him there and Mike knew that, he knew she wouldn't destroy the mindflyer while he was in him, so he had to move on to plan B, Mike took her face in his hands to look her straight in the eye.
"El, you have to destroy him, I trust you, you have to use all your power, I promise you that everything will be ok". She turned away from him shaking her head.
"No Mike, I'm not going to hurt you, I won't do anything while he's inside you".
He approached her, looked tired and the pain seemed to be stronger, he knew he could not resist for much more, it had to be now.
"I know, I know you won't do it while he's in me, that's why I need to get him out of me, the guest has to be inhabitable".

"Mike... ¿What are you talking about? ". She looked at him confused, waiting for an answer, but he didn't, what happened next happened in a couple of seconds, so fast that she couldn't help it, first he kissed her, a deep kiss, full of urgency and pain,  He seemed to be leaving part of his soul in that kiss... Then she only saw him stick the knife in his abdomen.
"MIKEEEEEEEE!!!". She screamed so loudly that her throat almost ripped, she wanted to run to him but he was being surrounded by dark shadows coming out of his chest, his body was shaking, while the mindflyer was coming out of him.His plan worked, now it was her turn, she directed her arms to heaven and let out all her power.
She could see Mike on the floor and trying to ignore the blood that was accumulating on the snow center her attention on his chest that was still going up and down, he still alive.The urgency of running beside him and helping him only increased her power, her feet rose from the ground, everything around her lit up,He could feel how she was winning, the power of the mindflyer was less and less, she felt him getting small, reduced him to no thing, The power that exerted in this dimension and on the other side, was reduced to particles with a last explosion of power that caused a great explosion in the sky.

It's all over, they got it together, they just needed to win one more battle, she hugged Mike tightly after helicopters surrounded them, help had come.
"Please do not go, I cant lose you". She felt him press her hand, pale and weak but still with a smile.
"You wont lose me, I promise". And for God's sake, everyone knew that Michael Wheeler always kept his promises.

(ONE SHOT) MILEVEN//FILLIE ♥Where stories live. Discover now