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Hi guys I hope everyone has seen the leaked photos,
For those of you who don't know, someone filtered pictures of Sadie and Gaten on set, in character!!!

I'll leave the image at the top ...

Well the point is, I wrote something ... I know it's not Fillie or Mileven, but I wanted to share it, you can also find it on my IG



"Hey MADMAX!" Dustin smiled when he saw Max approach him, the last few months she had become a ghost, she had moved away from everyone, but Dustin was Dustin and he never abandoned a fallen soldier, especially in such cases, the reason behind Max's personality change was obvious. 

"Just Max, Dustin ...". She said taking her skateboard ready to go on her way but he stopped her again. "God, could you just leave me…". 

"Wait! I wanted to know if you wanted to have lunch with us today, for the first time in weeks I think our schedules coincide and we can meet the whole group and.. ". 

"The whole group?". She cut him off with a bitter tone in her voice. “You mean Lucas who has now become one of those stupid mindless athletes? Or you mean cheating Mike who just hangs out in the library with that stupid cheerleader… If El found out, she would… ”. 

“Max! ... stop, that cheerleader is Chrissy and Mike was assigned as her tutor, El knows and is happy that Mike can get extra credits, Lucas is just trying something new and it is very good, we should all support him, I know things have been different since… ”. Dustin paused for a moment to choose his words. "I know things have been different for everyone since that day, but we remain the same ... or at least we tried, I know losing Billy was difficult but ...". 

"Don't you even dare mention him ...". Tears welled up in Max's eyes. "We were fine you know ... we were safe before you guys came into our lives bringing all this interdimensional shit, sometimes I just wish...I never got to this damn city and this damn school in the first place". 

And without saying another word, Max got on her skateboard, slapping her shoulder against Dustin's as she walked away... Dustin just stood there, he knew she didn't mean what she said, he knew it was just the pain speaking for her. 

He wouldn't give up and he knew that the others wouldn't give up either, even though everyone was dealing with their own problems now, fighting all the changes, the losses and the distance that had come between them,the group was always there when someone needed it… and after all she was their Zoomer, they would bring her back. 


This was really short and quick, but I'm really excited to start having content❤️❤️

See you guys❤️

(ONE SHOT) MILEVEN//FILLIE ♥Where stories live. Discover now