"He doesn't wake up"//MILEVEN

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Hi guys!

I missed writing One shoots!

This is dedicated to my friend  MahiSaraf

... it's an alternate ending to season 3.

What if Hopper hadn't died and our El hadn't lost her father, but in return for that, her concern was focused on a certain freckled boy who was seriously injured after being attacked by Billy?.

Ok...Here we go.


Starcourt Mall 11:00 pm

No matter how fast they have moved, no matter how much advantage they have gained over Billy, no matter all their efforts to protect Eleven...he caught them.

Mike saw Max fall hurt, hurt by her own brother, no matter how hard she tried to make him regain reason, Billy was not there, the Mind Flyer had taken over his mind and body, the sight was chilling, the fear ran through his body...but he was Mike Wheeler, the person who jumps off a cliff for the people he loves ... as soon as he saw Max fall, only two things went through his mind ... that monster had hurt his friend and in a couple of seconds would go after his girl, his El.

She was helpless, tired, without her powers to defend herself, everything went so fast that no one could have avoided it, before Max hit the ground, Mike had already thrown his body against Billy's.

It is proven that adrenaline is capable of giving you moments of extraordinary strength, that there are incredible cases recorded in history, but this time things were not that simple, this time a skinny 14-year-old boy faced a man with the strength of an inter-dimensional creature.

No matter the size of your heart, physics makes no exceptions and Mike knew it, he was a smart guy, he knew he had no chance of winning this, but the heart wants, what the heart wants ...and his wanted to protect the love of his life.

For Mike everything was easier, he felt nothing, saw nothing ... someone turned off the light, there was no pain, no fear, just a complete state of ... nothing.

But for El... it was the worst seconds of her life, seeing Mike running towards Billy and then seeing his body being thrown with force towards the wall, she could see every detail of that moment, she saw how Mike's head crashed against the column causing a thud in the whole room, she saw his inert body fall to the ground, she saw the blood begin to flow from his face, she saw his eyes closed and no matter how much she wanted to run and protect him, she could not, he could not save her and she could not save him either, their love this time was not enough, no matter how hard she fought, the light went out for her too, the last thing she saw was Mike's face, wondering if she would be able to survive to see those eyes that filled her with peace, to hear his voice again.

Not knowing that in a very remote place in Mike's mind that was now surrounded by silence and darkness, it would be her eyes and her voice that would keep him clinging to this reality, they would be the only factor that would be able to show him the way back.


Max woke up feeling her head hurt like hell, it took a couple of seconds before she remembered what happened, her body went on alert immediately, looking in all directions, looking for her friends, the first thing she saw was to Mike on the floor with his back to her, ran to him and tried to turn him to see his face, the first thing she saw is the pool of blood that had formed on the floor, Mike had a wound that started in the middle of his eyebrows, passing over the arch of his nose, but that was not what worried Max the most, not even the blood, the worrying thing was that Mike did not give any trace of consciousness, his body was completely immobile and his breathing very slow.

(ONE SHOT) MILEVEN//FILLIE ♥Where stories live. Discover now