Happy #MilevenDay 2019

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Today I open my heart to give a contribution to this wonderful #MilevenDay

I felt the need to express myself and share this with people who love the show like me 💕💕

¿Why has Mileven become the strongest ship in social media?

I have wondered that for a while, since the university I have always felt interest in this type of events, I like to know the background of things.

Knowing the series, I swear that my first thought was "it's a series for children-teenagers" ... but not.

Stranger things is for everyone, in fact I would dare to say that because of its many references to the 80s it is 60% aimed at the adult audience.

It is a mixture of nostalgia, suspense, intrigue and above all ... romance, thanks in large part to (the objective of this post) MILEVEN.

The times are different, it is difficult to preserve the magic because we have many negative distractors that did not exist before ... Mileven is magical because it reminds adults of the purity of youth love, that form of love that they may no longer be able to feel or...if they are fortunate enough it makes them take the hand of the person with whom they share their life today and tell them; "Hey, remember ... you and I used to be like that".

What he does with teenagers is even better, he teaches them the kind of love everyone should deserve, he teaches them that everyone deserves to be loved, protected and respected, I love to see when the girls say: "I want a boyfriend like Mike Wheeler" "I want a love like Mike and Eleven's" ... YES, hell, YES!! ... That's what you deserve!!

The girls deserve a Paladin capable of risking his lives for us, who cares about us, who treats us as his priority and that when he makes mistakes, learns from them and knows how to apologize, that recognizes our power, let us be free and make our decisions but inside of him see us as something precious and fragile that needs to be protected.

The guys deserve a girl who sees them as their entire world, brave and willing to fight for them, determined and strong, independent, who is not afraid to say and show what she feels, because men also need to hear these kinds of things, A girl who makes them feel like they are ... heroes.

MILEVEN is more than a ship of a very popular series, it is more than a lot of fafiction, drawings, editions, Its popularity is the current world's way of saying: I still want to believe that love exists, that fate has someone for you and that at the moment their eyes meet, time will stop, your axis and what holds you attached to the world is no longer gravity, it is its presence and the desire to share your life together, and that applies regardless of your sexual preference, nobody can tell you that you deserve less, because you deserve everything and deserve to love the person that fate put in your way, no matter what.

As a personal contribution, I can confess that I am happy to have my own Mike Wheeler, we are 8 years old together, we are both 25 years old, two adults who still feel teenagers, I remember the encounter of Mike and Eleven, in the first season, that encounter in the rain, I remember feeling like a Dejavú, because the first time I saw my boyfriend, I knew it too, we both only knew.

If someone had told me that 8 years later we would continue together ... I would have believed it, because there are things that are written in the fate with such force that you can see the letters in the air.

If you love Mileven as much as I do, this post is for you, if you love Mileven it is because you enjoy this kind of love and I hope with all my heart that when you find the soul that is destined for you, you know how to recognize it and above all you know how to fight for it.

Happy MilevenDay and especially thanks to Millie and Finn, for transmitting this magic to us.

Today I open my heart to give a contribution to this wonderful #MilevenDay

I felt the need to express myself and share this with people who love the show like me

Eli 💕

(ONE SHOT) MILEVEN//FILLIE ♥Where stories live. Discover now