"I dump your ass" //MILEVEN

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Hi guys, I'm back with little one shoots, this one is dedicated for my friend Mahi ...

An alternative version of the Mileven's breakup... What would have happened if things had been different?

What would have happened if they had followed their heart and set things right?, if Hopper had told the truth?... well

Here we go...

Mike (POV)

"I dump your ass".

Those were her words to me, although they really didn't sound like her words, I blame Max, definitely...

I don't blame El for being upset, I broke our promise to be by her side and I broke our most important rule.

Friends don't lie.

She gave me the opportunity to remedy things, if only I had had the courage to confess to her at the time the reason for my lie...but I couldn't, I couldn't risk me, if Hopper found out that I broke our agreement, he won't let me see her permanently, I couldn't allow it, I need her and I know she needs me too ...

She needs me right? ... even if it seemed like she hated me, even if she got on that bus without looking back ...

Or maybe she doesn't need me, maybe I screwed things up...Who needs a liar?.

God ... I'm an Idiot.

Will and Lucas talk about something, as we walk home, I really don't know what they say, I really don't care.

"MIKE!" Lucas raises his voice waving a hand in front of my face. "What do you think about a boys' night? Can we sleep in your house? ... girls out for one night".

Lucas's proposal would have been attractive any other day, but not today, today I need to be alone, today I was broken ... I needed to get away or I would collapse in front of them.

"Mmm ... guys, I think I pass...I don't feel good ...".

"Oh come on, Mike, really? Are you going to be like this for a girl?". Will said a little annoyed.

"El is not just a girl Will ... and you know it!". I blew up, I really didn't want to the guys are not guilty of my mistakes.

"Listen ... I'm not trying to be a jerk, just, can we leave this for another day please? ... I want to be alone, for now".

Fortunately the guys understood and left, I entered my house thanking that as usual, there was no one, I went down to my basement and collapsed on the couch feeling like the most miserable person in the world.

I can still remember her words ...

"Am I your pet?" ... "Why do you treat me like garbage?".

God... I really want to hate Max for teaching her those words, but it would be cowardly of me not to accept my responsibility in all of this, I can't believe I made her feel that way, right now she must be thinking the worst of me.

I'm tired of repressing my feelings, The feeling of believing that I am the greatest bastard in the world is overwhelming ... I give up and let all the frustration come out, I feel like I'm going crazy ... I can't lose her ... because if I lose her, this time I will be the only one to blame


El (POV)

"I dump your ass".

I didn't even know what it meant, but Max said it was the right thing to do when your boyfriend lies to you, and he doesn't want to fix things.

(ONE SHOT) MILEVEN//FILLIE ♥Where stories live. Discover now