Safe Harbor//FILLIE

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Hi guys, I was inspired to write a short fillie story, taking into account the events of the last few weeks... Important message at the end of the story, thanks for being here.


"Guys, the situation has become complicated in the world, everyone in the United States must take emergency measures, because of this the production of the show will be suspended for at least 2 months, we need to keep our entire team safe, we hope that everyone will protect in your homes, follow the instructions of health institutions and use the time in the best possible way".

Shawn's last words echoed in Finn's head, he hated this, he hated quarantine, it was getting harder every day, why that had to happen just when he had returned to the place where he felt full, just when he had returned to his second home, with his second family, just when he had returned with ... her.

Finn wasn't the type of person who believed himself to be the center of the world, he hated feeling like this while people around the world were dying and suffering unimaginable things, but he couldn't help it, he couldn't help what his heart felt and lose Millie right after getting her back, it was killing him.

He knew she had a boyfriend, but returning to the set filled him with ... was it hope?, He didn't even know what he was feeling, it's not like he was finally going to have the courage to fight for her, he wouldn't dare, especially when she was already with someone, she was important to him, he would never put her in an uncomfortable or complicated situation, he was not like Noah ... yes, Finn was fully aware of the hell that Noah unleashed with his action of  past days , sometimes he did not know when to stop, it all started as nonsense ...

"Tag two people that want to hook up with each other to make things awkward"

Finn Wolfhard ....Millie Bobby Brown

And then the madness broke out, the fans went wild, he couldn't deny that some posts were fun and they made him smile more than once, more than once he wanted to yell at the Fillie Shippers that he shared the same dream as them, but of course he would never do it, he had to stay in the shade, watching each post with care not to give any like by accident.

There was something different in the environment those days, it was not the first time that there was a "FillieBomb" (That's what they called it, it was like a local joke) and for them it was always funny, there was even mockery in their WhatsApp group, but in this once, it was all quiet, Noah didn't speak, Millie didn't either, for some reason this time he didn't get that usual message from her, something like...

"Hey Finnie, you know about the new FillieBomb !, the new Tea ..."

This time it was all silence and he knew why... This time there was someone else who was leading Millie's concerns, someone else for whom this joke would be no fun, despite his feelings Finn hoped that Millie had had no problems due to the Noah's joke, everyone knew that Joseph stopped following him on Instagram, those days were strange, surely the advertisers had to do with all this ... from one moment to another everything changed, he began to follow Noah again and then ... Shit!.

"Joseph2robinson started following"

That was definitely unexpected to him, Finn was always trying to stay away from the drama, even though he felt that Joseph was using him to prove something to people, he had nothing against him, despite the accusations and evidence against him , he forced himself to believe that he was a good boyfriend, otherwise Millie would not be with him.

"Yeah sure, that ideology worked perfectly with the jerk of Sartorious". Finn laughed bitterly as he dropped onto his bed and ran his hands through his hair.

(ONE SHOT) MILEVEN//FILLIE ♥Where stories live. Discover now