29 ~ Please, don't leave me!

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"y/n!" Jungkook said standing outside the door. "Please open! I want to talk! Please say something..." It's been an hour already of him knocking at her door while sitting outside on the floor.
And then she finally opens.

"Please don't hate me..." He said. He could see her eyes were red. She must've cried alot. "I don't have any excuse for this but I really love you... Don't talk to me if you don't want to... But please, don't leave me..."

"Why did you do it?" She finally spoke. She couldn't look up, into his eyes or even his face. But she loved him too, too much to leave him without knowing the reasons. "Why did you kill my grandfather?"

"I was 6 my father worked for Mr Min.  Dad never visited us once he left for Korea for Mr Min. Me and my mother prayed every night, hoped that one day maybe dad will return or at least call us. But that never happened. The day dad left, he told me when he'll come back he'll bring the best present ever and waited for him." Jungkook explained "then one day, we got the news that Mr Min killed him. My mother was not only heartbroken but we also fell into poverty. Dad was our only source of income and mom lost her state of mind. She went crazy and one morning I found her dead in sleep."

"This is why you killed my grandfather?"

"Mr Min took my father and my mom died too. So I wanted to take away his parents too. Jimin and I studied in the same school and soon Mr Park adopted me." He said "I trained myself and waited so many years to take my revenge."

"My father would never kill someone with any big cause!" She said "my father is not a murderer!!"

"I'm sorry y/n... Your father do had a reason. Before your parents got married, your mom was kidnapped and almost killed by one of the most trusted men of Mr Min." Jungkook said "it was too late when I realized that man was my father and he kidnapped your mother, betraying Mr Min... It was already late when I discovered the truth..."

"Does my father know it's you?" Y/n asked.

"Yes... He had enough time to catch me and end my life. He's way too powerful but he never did. And it drives me more and more into my regret and guilt for killing his father." Jungkook said. "I don't why Mr Min didn't kill me, he could've easily taken his revenge, I had no will to live anymore after what Karina did to me. But then I met you and fell in love with you. And I don't know what more I should do but I wonna be with you."

"Once I go back... My father will never let me return." She said with teary eyes "once I tell him about the guy I love, he might kill you jungkook!"

"He won't!" Jungkook said "he had enough time all these years but he didn't kill me. He even send you here knowing about me. I'm sure he must be having something that's keeping him up from doing that."

"That still doesn't change the fact that he'll never accept you!" Y/n said.

"Do you love me?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, I do!"

"Do you want me?" He asked.

"I do..." Y/n said crying.

"That's all I need. You want me and that's all I want!" Jungkook said and hugged her "I follow you everywhere you go. Even if I have to face Mr Min, I'll do it! Even if it takes me to Korea for you, I'll follow you wherever you go!"

"Then come with me!" Y/n said and wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. "Let's go home and face him together."

"You think it'll be a good idea?"

"I know my father. He can kill anyone who tries to hurt me but he will also give me everything I want!" Y/n said "he will understand, he has too! Dad fell in love with mom too! They faced challenges but they ended up together. We will end up together too! Dad must know what it feels like..."

"Are you sure?" Jungkook asked "there's no going back from this."

"I don't even want to turn back now!" Y/n said "I want to be with you otherwise I'll stay alone for the rest of my life."

Jungkook hugged her a little tighter and kissed her forehead. "I'll book another ticket."

Y/n started packing her things that night. Soon it'll be time when they leave. And she wasn't going alone now, jungkook was going with her too. Even though she knew jungkook was with her but she was still scared, after knowing the truth. She couldn't sleep well that night, she kept on thinking about her new mission which was to persuade yoongi and help jungkook get his trust.

Her head was already hurting enough and then she vomited...

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