40 ~ Daddy!

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"Dad!" Y/n knocked on her parent's room door.

"W-what!!" Yoongi said, she almost caught her parents doing romance again.

"Why is your door locked?!" She asked "my friends are here, come outside!"

"They are your friends, go spend time with them and stop disturbing your old parents!" Yoongi said.

"Please dad! They want to see you." Y/n said.

"We'll be out in a minute y/n! Wait for us." Her mother said.

"Why?" yoongi asked amelia "don't come to me saying 'you don't love me' now!!"


"These are your friends? or your boyfriends?" yoongi said.

"Dad! please!!" y/n said and sat down next to jungkook "we have something important to say!"

"You both love eachother, i get it. I'll think about it!" yoongi said.

"Thank you very much, Sir! but we also have something else to tell" jungkook said.

"Marriage? i'll think about it too" yoongi said.

"Can you shut your mouth for a minute? let the kids speak!" amelia said. "what is it dear?" amelia asked y/n.

jungkook held her hand, calming y/n and giving her his full support. "we're about to have a baby!!"

"Oh my god!! are you kidding me?" amelia said "that's such a good news, we need to celebrate!!"

"Hold up! what celebration? who's having a baby?" yoongi said " you mean you are preg-"

"I'm pregnant!!" y/n said.

"Pregnant, my ASS!!" yoongi said "how dare you did this to my daughter!! I should've killed you right there when you came here!!"

"Dad!! it's not jungkook's fault!" y/n said "we both want this baby!"

"you're not even married yet!" yoongi said.


"Don't shout y/n, it's not good for your health as well as the baby. Let your father say whatever he wants, I love to see both of you together and I'm sure jungkook will be a great father!" amelia said.

"Thank you ma'am!" jungkook said.

"Call me mom!" amelia said. "you both should get married now! Make it official."

"I don't allow that, you need to answer my questions." yoongi said "I'll only give my daughter if you're worth her!"

"I'm ready sir!" jungkook said.

"Call him dad" amelia said. "We're a family now!"

"Ew!" yoongi said "focus here, how much do you earn?"

"More than you've earned in the last 5 years, dad!!"

"This boy!

"Are you religious?" yoongi asked.

"My only religion is her love" jungkook said and amelia was impressed.

"Where do you see yourself in the next few years?" yoongi asked.

"In her arms!" jungkook said "with our kids running around the house"

"what the fuck jungkook!" jimin controlled his laugh.

"What is the craziest thing you've ever done? Be honest!" yoongi asked. "I'm sure he must be having several affairs"

"Meeting you!" jungkook said. All his answers were too smart for yoongi.

"Do you see how he's talking to me!?" yoongi whispered to Amelia.

"I don't see anything bad in that." Amelia said.

"This is the last one, what do you like to do for fun?" yoongi said "I'm sure you must be having some other businesses too, like I have my casino business line."

"Ofcourse, I do have other things to do as well." jungkook said "but what I like to do for fun nowadays..." jungkook paused and looked at y/n "She's already pregnant so I guess I can't do it anymore until next year!"

"what kind of question and answer is that even?!" jimin thought.

"i know my brother can be too much sometimes Mr Min, but I can promise you that he's the best you'll find for y/n!" jimin said.

"So, we don't have any other way out now!" yoongi said "Fine! the marriage will be exact 3 days from now!"

"3 days? that's too early!" y/n said. 

"3 days! or never." yoongi said.

"I agree with Mr Min!!" jungkook said "the sooner the better."

"But I always wanted a grand wedding!" y/n said.

"We'll do a grand wedding in Italy!" jungkook said.

"That's a good idea, I'll have to stay here a little longer. You both can make it official here, then have a proper wedding back in Italy." jimin said. "I should leave now, I have to get the reports!"

"I'll see you at the hotel." jungkook said.


Later that night, jimin returned back to the hotel from the hospital with DNA test report. He went straight to jungkook's room.

"Did you talk to karina after returning from y/n's house?" jimin asked.

"No, I didn't see her around." jungkook said. "Should I call her?"

"No!!" jimin said "Holy shit, I'm fucked up!!"

"What's wrong?" jungkook asked.

"The reports are positive jungkook!" jimin said "that's my fucking kid!"

"I already knew!" jungkook said "go tell karina!"

"What?! you crazy? I can't!" jimin said "I told her she'll have to come back with me and now she will!"

"What's the problem with that?" jungkook asked.

"She is the problem!" jimin said "I hate her! How am I supposed to stay with her!"

"The kid is your responsibility jimin! you can't change this now. Be the man of your words!" jungkook said "maybe she'll refuse, why would anybody leave such a luxury hotel buisness here and go?"

"I hope she refuses!" jimin said "I am the man of my words!! I gave her my statement, I'll go talk to her!"

"Cool!" jungkook said "she's probably in her office?"

Jimin asked the receptionist for Karina and they told him that she was out of the hotel. He had to wait for her until she returns. Since the staff knows that jungkook and jimin are Karina's known, they let him wait for her, in her office. After some time, yongjin enters the room looking for her mother. Jimin looks at the boy, their eyes, nose and lips were similar. it was a weird feeling for him to look at his son he never knew about.

"Where is my mommy?" he asked Jimin.

"I don't know, I'm looking for her too." Jimin said. 

"Can you play with me?" yongjin asked him. He looked so pure and innocent that Jimin couldn't refuse. "You look like my daddy!"

"Your daddy?" jimin said and the boy nodded. "How do you know what your daddy looks like?"

Yongjin ran to his mother's desk and tried to open a drawer. But his tiny hands and little strength wasn't enough to pull the drawer out.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked.

"My daddy is inside!" he said. Jimin went to the little kid and opened the drawer. Yongjin immediately took a picture out and showed to Jimin. "My daddy!"
Jimin took the picture from his tiny hands and looked at it.

It was a high school picture of him with Karina.

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