30 ~ Home

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"y/n! Are you alright?"

She has been in the bathroom puking again early morning. Jimin woke up early since she and jungkook were leaving for Korea today. And jimin wanted to cook some delicious breakfast for y/n. After his meal was ready, he went to check if she was sleeping or awake. But found her in the bathroom instead with strange sounds coming out.

"I'm fine!" She yells from inside.

"Breakfast is ready, come out." Jimin said.

"I will, in a few minutes." Y/n replied.

She can't go out in this condition. She was sweaty and smelly from the early morning puking. She needed a bath first.


"I've never had such delicious breakfast before!" Y/n said.

"Thank you!" Jimin said "when is your flight?"

"In 2 hours" she said.

"I see, you reach home by the evening." Jimin said.

"Yes! I'm so excited to see my family once again. I've missed them so much!"

"Do you have your speech prepared?" Jimin asked "I don't think they'll be happy to see jungkook."

"I know... But my mom is very understanding and my dad isn't that bad." She said "you guys just have a misconception about him! Can you please eat a little faster, you're supposed to drop me to the airport."

"But jungkook was coming to pick you up?" Jimin asked.

"I told him to meet me at the airport." Y/n said "I'll be happy if you see me off."

"Sure!" Jimin said "I'll go and get ready."


The plane ride wasn't easy. Y/n was really bad at sleeping in airplanes meanwhile jungkook slept most of the time. Y/n puked again, immediately after the lunch was served. She'd travelled in planes before and vomit was something that happened to before a few times in plane so she bought some pills for it with her. And it really helped her stomach calm down.

"What took you so long?" Jungkook's asked when she returned back from the bathroom after more than 10 minutes.

"Nothing... It's just plane nausea." She said.

"Nausea?" Jungkook said "jimin told me you puked this morning too. Are you sick?"

"I'm fine, travel nausea is common to me. There's nothing to worry about." She said "I've already taken my medicines."

"I need to book a hotel online..." Jungkook said going through his phone.

"Hotel? What for?"

"For staying!" Jungkook said "where am I supposed to stay in korean.!"

"My home, obviously!" Y/n said "why will you stay at the hotel. My house is huge!"

"I know that but you should stop making decisions on your own and also start thinking about Mr Min's reaction to see me there." Jungkook said "he would never allow me stay at his place. I need to book a room, at least for tonight!"

"You mean I'm supposed to show up alone at the door?" Y/n asked "how could you do this to me!"

"Why? What's wrong in it after all. It's your house, your family. So it doesn't matter to them if you return home alone." He said.

"But it matters to me! I will be telling them stories about my hero saving my life and you won't be there? My hero won't be there?" Jungkook laughed "what are you laughing at? I'm really serious right now!"

"I am no hero to your father!" Jungkook said "he might kill right at that moment."

"He won't!" Y/n said "stop ruining my mood and excitement, and just agree to what I say!"

"I don't have to worry about upsetting you, I know very well what can excite you..." Jungkook said as his hands sneakily reached her thighs.

"No! You better not!" Y/n said "we are surrounded by many people here."

"Cmon! They won't know about it. As long as you stay quiet..." Jungkook said. Y/n slapped his hand away and jungkook sat there looking out the window with a pout.


"I won't be home tonight." Yoongi told his wife.

"Again? For how many days do you plan to continue this?!" Amelia said.

"I need to help in the new boys weapon training, Amelia! Is that too difficult for you to understand! Stop repeating the same thing again and again!" Yoongi said.

"Are you cheating on me?" Amelia said. Ever since they received the news of their daughter's death, the family has been real messed up. Yoongi stays at the warehouse most of the nights. Yongsun looks after the business in day. And for Amelia, she was left all alone without her daughter in the house.

"Oh god! Not again..." Yoongi was frustrated with these everyday fights "there there anything else your brain can think about other than these stupid thoughts!"

"What am I supposed to think then? Tell me! You leave me all alone, you don't ask if I'm doing fine, you just don't care anymore yoongi!" Amelia said and burst into tears. "I can't see my husband pushing me away everyday, just kill me if you want this!"

"Amelia please!!" Yoongi was highly frustrated but he was wiser when it came to mental breakdowns. Amelia already had an attack on y/n's death news and doctor strictly told yoongi to keep her as happy as possible to prevent any more stress. More stress will only lead to another heart attack, which may lead to surgery. But there was no happiness left with them, yoongi himself was living the saddest phase of his life.

"I love you dear! You are my previous wife, can can never cheat on you." Yoongi said "you are the only one left with me, I don't want to loose you but I also have work to do."

"Don't take off your anger on the business! It wasn't your fault!" Amelia said "our daughter's accident has nothing to do with you! Don't punish yourself!"

"It has everything to do with me, only if I'd never allowed her at first place, non of this would have happened..." Yoongi said "I miss her so much Amelia. I miss our daughter so much!"
Soon after lunch, yoongi left. Yongsun was still at the casino looking after the business. Amelia stayed home all alone, just like everyday.


It was 9 oclock, typically the time yongsun would return home. The dinner was already ready, as always and she waited for her only left child to return home and accompany her for food. The bell rang and lazily she got up from the couch, turned off the television and walked towards the main door. When she opened the door, she didn't know if she was still on earth or in heaven. Her eyes said it was true and her mind said it's a ghost.

"Hey mom!"

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