38 ~ Let's Do DNA Test

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At the airport, jungkook picked up jimin and both were on their way to the hotel in a taxi.

"We haven't stayed away from eachother like this before." Jimin said.

"Please don't say that you missed me and all those cheesy things. I'm not in a mood for this." Jungkook said.

"Why?" Jimin asked "are you a teenager who gets mood swing every single time life starts to get shit?!"

"I'm just stressed out, not moody." Jungkook said "and it's all because of you!"

"Woah! The person who did wrong is you, and you're saying that I stress you out?!" Jimin said "it's not me! It's Karina! The cause behind all this shit happening to us! You literally left y/n pregnant!"

"Wait... WHAT!!" jungkook said "what the fuck jimin, I just told you I'm stressed out. Stop joking around me!"

"So now you wonna say the cause of your stress is that baby?" Jimin said "damn it jungkook, that baby isn't even born yet and your already behaving like this!"

"WHAT BABY?!" jungkook said "He's not mine, he's yours! Yong Jin is your son! Why the hell are you involving y/n in this!!"

"Yong who?" Jimin said "have you gone crazy? Why would I be responsible for y/n's pregnancy when you're the one who's fucking around! Damn it jungkook, Don't even say that Infront of y/n. She's already stressed and heartbroken."

"Y/n is... Pregnant?"

"Why the hell are you even acting like this? Did Karina told you to do so?!" Jimin said.

"FUCK KARINA DUDE!" jungkook said "when the hell did it happen?"


"Y/n! When did she get pregnant?!" Jungkook asked.

"How am I supposed to know! Aren't you the one who should be telling me?!" Jimin said.

"What the fuck jimin! I didn't even know she is pregnant!!" Jungkook said.

"You're seriously crazy man! You literally told me on our phone call that you're aware about the baby!" Jimin said.

"Baby?.... Oh shit! That wasn't for y/n!" Jungkook said "it was for Karina!!"

"Fuck you jungkook! You got Karina pregnant?!"

"NO!!! No she's not pregnant, she already has a child and it's yours." Jungkook said "so technically you got Karina PREGNANT!"

"Can you stop yelling? The driver must be thinking we're psychos." Jimin said "and for your very kind information, I never touching Karina. Why the hell do you even think I fucked her? She's a liar, she probably got that boy with a sugar daddy! She's not someone who'd do family shit!"

"Bro! Your literally changing your own statements! You said that you feel bad for her and the child, so you'll come here to help!" Jungkook said.

"I was talking about y/n! Like why would I be knowing Karina got a child and is messing with your head!"

"Look! You clearly told me you'll help her and I want you to take responsibility for your son!" Jungkook said "even if not for her but think about the boy, he's literally just 2! He needs a father!"

"Out of all the men in this world, why do you want me to be his father?!" Jimin said "just throw her away from your life. I'm only here to solve the matter between you and y/n, and convince Mr Min for your wedding. I'm not here to be someone's fucking father!"

"You are his father! Try to remember the night before Karina disappeared, what she did to you!" Jungkook said "you can't get pregnant after what happened between you two, even if she did it to you. It obviously has to be her. And I've seen the boy quite a few times now, he got your eyes and lips. He's cute too."

"Glad you think of me as a cute guy but that ain't my kid." Jimin said "do you really think she'd be that stupid to get pregnant? She got the brain of a witch, she would've tried to get back at me back then if she got pregnant by me. And I never forced her for anything, so I'm not responsible for that kid."

"How about a DNA test?" jungkook said "we can do a DNA test to check if the child is ready yours and if he's not we can use the test to sue her."


Karina got yong jin ready for his first day of pre-school and was leaving with him. She was already scared about running onto jimin and her fear came true. They both saw eachother in the hotel lobby. Karina paused for a second, her brain thinking of what to do next. She picked up yongjin in her arms and started to walk again, totally ignoring jimin as if she didn't see him standing at the reception. She was walking fast, trying to get away from there as soon as possible. But Jimin saw her. It didn't take him even a single second to think or recognize her . He knew, she was karina. 

"Karina!!" jimin called her name to stop her. Her legs frozen, mind repeating the same voice again and again, jimin's voice calling out her name. Jimin handed over his bangs to jungkook so that he canbhave a talk with her alone, before she tries to escape again. "I won't take too much of your time, I see you're in a hurry. Without wasting anymore time, I want to get a DNA test done and I'm sure I don't have to tell you why. You must already know why. And you have full right to refuse for the test, i won't even ask you for an excuse. But then, you'll leave jungkook alone and I won't take any responsibility for you or this child, never. But if you agree for the test and it comes out positive, you both have to go back with me. I'll give you a whole day to think about it. Tell me your decision."

He said and left.

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