Chapter 4

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"You caused my heart to bleed and
You still owe me a reason
I can't figure out why

Oh, you can't hear me cry
See my dreams all die
From where you standing
On your own
It's so quiet here and I feel so cold
This house no longer
Feels like home"

So Cold, Ben Cocks


"Where have you been for the whole night?" Emma asked firmly, showing that she wouldn't accept any lie as reply.
She had shaken Evelyn for minutes to wake her up.
Evelyn didn't want to wake up. She felt tired and so good in the warmth of her bed.
"I've been waiting for you, waking up randomly to check if you were back. What the hell happened?" Emma insisted "Did you at least find him?".
Thinking of Tom woke Evelyn. So it wasn't just a dream.
"Yeah, he was hiding because the snob ones had been pestering him. I didn't want to let him alone, so I stayed with him for a while".
Emma raised a questioning look at her "And what have you done for all those hours? Just talking?".
Evelyn scoffed at her "Of course. What else could we do?".
"You have a weird obsession with him. I don't think you would waste hours to run after someone else just because he needs some comfort with words".
Evelyn pretended an innocent face "I would spend sleepless nights for you if you'll ever need my help".
Emma rolled her eyes "I don't mean that. Of course I would do the same with you because you're my friend. But what is he? I hardly ever saw him speaking to you".
"Well that's why I insisted to be the one to comfort him. You know that I like to be friendly with everyone".
Emma gave up "Alright. You just made me worry a lot. I feared that something bad happened to you".
"I can take care of myself" Evelyn said proudly, making her friend smirk.
"Yeah, I know that".

Evelyn was looking forward to meet Tom again, but when it happened they weren't alone, so she got just a quick nod as greeting from him.
Emma glanced amused at Evelyn, but didn't tease her anymore.
His suggestions, that sounded very great to her, turned out to be quite boring. They sat at the same table in the library sometimes or worked on the same projects, but just as mere housemates. He never mentioned their adventures nor asked for another night exploration with her.
He was careful to keep the proper distance whenever she tried to make him say more about his life, just as he turned careful to ignore those who claimed to be more important than him because they belonged to the high society and allowed to collaborate only with those who showed zeal for studying.
Since Evelyn didn't dare to put Emma into troubles although she trusted her, if she wanted adventures she had to seek for them alone after the curfew.
She wasn't totally alone after all. Her memories never stopped haunting her and sometimes her imagination even made her believe that there was some supernatural shadow following her when she wasn't paying attention.
When something bothered her, she climbed the whole castle to reach the Astronomy Tower, her efforts rewarded by the view of the starry sky, that wasn't always available because the cloudy nights were far more common than the clear ones.
Evelyn looked up at the stars, little lights shining in an ocean of darkness, so small and unreachable.
She smelled a familiar scent and felt arms wrapping around her from behind, trapping her against a strong and firm body.
What if we can stay here, the sweetest voice whispered in her ear, waking enjoyable waved of pleasure through her.
They should have stayed there forever, Evelyn realized, still staring at the stars that turned blurred. It was one of their favourite places in the castle, because they felt on the top of the world.
But now Evelyn just felt so small, insignificant and helpless under that heavy dark sky.
There was only a cold breeze embracing her.
Evelyn missed feeling wanted, feeling those emotions shaking her whole body.
She repeatedly asked herself if she didn't regret sacrificing everything for being so alone. It was her mistake to believe that she wouldn't miss her Tom that much. But his absence was something so unbearable, just like seeing him drowning into dark magic.
Sobbing silently, Evelyn looked at her own tears, that reminded her of the crying Tom and all the differences that she spotted in him that night.
It gave her hope. And strength to do more to prevent the dark arts to steal him from her again.

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