Chapter 19

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"Oh love, let me see inside your heart
All the cracks and broken parts
The shadows in the light
There's no need to hide

'Cause I'm on fire like a thousand suns
I couldn't put it out even if I wanted to
These flames tonight
Look into my eyes and say you want me, too
Like I want you"

Hunger, Ross Copperman


Monday 1st September 1941

Evelyn inhaled deeply and walked towards the train.
She spotted her friends and ran to meet them.
Emma gaped at her "Blessed stars, you are stunning, Evy! I almost didn't recognize you!".
Evelyn hugged Emma warmly.
"Stop talking nonsense. I'm always the same" Evelyn moved to hug also Eileen.
"If a Pacific trip can do so much, I'll come with you next time. Look how pale I am! We had few sunny days this summer".
"We surely must go there next summer" Evelyn said excited "Pearl Harbor is a wonderful place. I've been staying with some muggle nurses and they taught me to look good".
"You look more than good" Emma grabbed her arm and Eileen imitated her from the other side and together they jumped on the train "You have to tell us everything".
Evelyn looked around herself, hoping to spot a familiar face, but she was disappointed.

The Great Hall welcomed the students warmly, but Evelyn felt turning cold as her enthusiasm slowly evaporated in that evening.
Most of her housemates greeted her except Tom.
She could see how he avoided her, acting like she didn't exist.
It was like being back to the start.
Evelyn sighed deeply, knowing that she was going to pay a high price for her exotic holidays.

She knew that he couldn't avoid her forever. So she waited for him to recover from whatever was wrong with himself, and when in the next days she saw no progresses, she decided to stop giving him time and space and to do something.
The first lesson of Potion was a good occasion since in the end of the previous year they had been partners.
Evelyn lingered on the memories from one year earlier, when they were good friends and brewing sucessfully a potion together rewarded them with joining the Slug Club.
Their first party had been so perfect, until of course someone had to waste it all.

Evelyn had avoided the next parties and Slughorn didn't care of inviting her again, specially when her mental problems brought inspectors from the Ministry after her.

Evelyn shook her head to shove those thoughts away, as she stepped into the classroom. She believed that she had left that dark chapter behind, instead she was forced to think about it to find some clue about her new problems.
She noticed that the seat next to Tom was empty.
The last time she sat there some months earlier she was the happiest girl in the world.
Now she felt intimated by that same boy who had made her that happy.
Evelyn swallowed hard and approached the table, saying a shy "Hi?".
Tom ignored her, pretending that he was busy checking that he had all that he needed for the lesson.
"Do you want us to switch partners?" She asked bluntly, looking around for other free seats.
"No. Stay" he said coldly.
Evelyn couldn't complain since the professor reached his desk.
She took the seat next to Tom, while Slughorn cleared his throat and explained their task.

Some weeks earlier it would have been exciting to brew a new potion with Tom.
Now Evelyn felt frozen, like he was forcing her to feel guilty for something.
When Slughorn finished his explaination, Tom stood up and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows, focusing only on the potion.
Evelyn imitated him, hating the distance that he forced between them.
"How were your holidays?" She asked when she couldn't bear the silence anymore.
"Not as pleasant as yours" he cut off, confirming that he had an issue with her.
"Didn't you get my letters and postcards?" She insisted, still hoping for some misunderstanding.
"Yes. I'm sorry I couldn't reply" his tone didn't change. He didn't want any conversation.
Evelyn's heart sank "Why?".
"Hand me the knife" he changed the subject and didn't allow to bring the personal topics up again.

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