Chapter 39

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"You can't hide from who you are
The light peels back the dark
You can run but you won't make it far
You can't hide from who you are
You can't hide from who you are

You can't run run run
From the smoking gun
Caught in the crosshairs of the things we've done
Theres no hiding place
Not a secret safe
What is lost will be found
When the truth hunts you down

The image takes it shape
With every step you take, closer
The past will show its face
You can't hide from your mistakes"

When the Truth Hunts You Down, Sam Tinnesz


After one more check that her look was alright, Evelyn looked up at the muggle house that was beyond the gate in front of her.

The witch clenched her fists to resist to the temptation of using magic to open her way through the gate and smiled when Frank came to open her.
"Welcome back, Miss Evelyn. You brought back the sun with you" he greeted her with a big smile.
"Thanks, Frank. I thought that rain was good for your garden" she marched impatiently towards the big house.
"It is. But I prefer the sunlight and the miracles that it brings to plants".
Evelyn smiled at the fresh memory that his words evoked in her.
Her smiled widened when she spotted Tom exiting the house to run to her.
She gasped when his arms wrapped around her and lifted her in a choking hug.
"You didn't keep your promise. You said you would be back before I could miss you too much" he scolded her playfully "If my grandparents allowed me, I would have come to look for you".
Her lips planted a kiss on his cheek "I'm sorry. I helped my uncle with his shop. You know that in these weeks there are many tourists so he has a lot of work".
He nodded "I know. I wish I could help".
"Maybe after the funeral. So is everything ready?".
"Yes, I wrote to the Prewett and they agreed. My grandparents chose the cathedral of York for the ceremony".
"York?" she repeated surprised.
"Yes. They want to avoid too much gossip in this small town, so they picked that church in that big city. And there's also where they made the funeral for my father. And they want a crowd so I invited some of our friends and the Selwyns and your other uncle, adding a dress code. And I need your opinion on another possible guest".
"Oh, well done, you worked almost as much as me in these days. Who's the guest you thought of inviting? Dumbledore would surely say yes so invite him".
"I didn't think about him, but now that you show enthusiasm for him I'll send an owl to him too. No, I was thinking about my uncle. Who probably will send me a curse as a reply".
Evelyn gaped with surprise "That's a wonderful idea, Tom. I'm impressed. And I'm proud of you".
She gave him another kiss "I know he hates muggles, but he was at the previous funeral so I hope he agrees to come this time too".
He frowned "Oh really?".
"Yes, I told him to keep distance since I knew that you didn't want him around them. But I'm happy that you are making a step towards him. And if you're doubtful, I'll write to him. I know that the reason he can't say no, although for him would be like for any other common person who wouldn't like to step into a pool filled with snakes".
"I try to ignore the fact that with this comparison you are putting me amongst the not-so-sane people".
"I said common, Tom. And you surely are an uncommon man".

The crowd of wizarding people looked quite bizarre in the middle of a big muggle city.
After waiting in a muggle bar called House of the Trembling Madness, attracted by it because of that name, Evelyn grabbed Tom's arm and accompanied him to meet the guests.
They looked like people going to watch a Quidditch match, but their look was acceptable in that period when there were many tourists in the city with most extravagant clothes.
"Are we clothed well or do we need some transfiguration, Prefect? We followed your instructions" Emma asked Tom after hugging Evelyn.
He grimaced "I'd say Acceptable. Give me all your wands. And remember to behave. If I notice any of you acting weird and attracting attention on us you will be punished as soon as we step back into Hogwarts".
Also Evelyn felt intimidated in front of his cold warning and she imitated the other guests, placing her wand in the bag he kept opened in front of him.
"Why do you have to be always so annoying, Riddle? Even when we are out of school?" Emma complained unwillingly giving her wand "Evy, how can you bear being with someone like him?".
"No bear needed since he's a snake" Evelyn replied with the first thing that popped into her mind.
She grabbed Tom's arm and they led the group towards a big church.
"Oh Merlin, this is wonderful too" she commented when she could see better the building "It reminds of Hogwarts".
"Too?" he repeated confused.
Evelyn bit her tongue and deviated the question "Do you remember that Indian palace I should you once on a picture?".
"The big white tomb? Yeah, I remember it" he said rolling his eyes and resting them on the façade of the cathedral "But I prefer this style. As you said, it reminds of Hogwarts".

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