Chapter 36

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"Sleep a lifetime
Yes, and breathe a last word
You can feel my hand on your own
I will be the last one, so I'll leave a light on
Let there be no darkness in your heart

But I'm not your son, you're not my father
We're just two grown men saying goodbye
No need to forgive, no need to forget
I know your mistakes and you know mine
And while you're sleeping, I'll try to make you proud
So daddy, won't you just close your eyes?
Don't be afraid, it's my turn
To chase the monsters away"

Monsters, James Blunt


Evelyn woke up blinking at the unfamiliar view above her.
Memories from before her falling asleep made her smile and she turned, seeing Tom still sleeping next to her.
She wished she could always wake up in that way, with that bliss in her soul and her body.
Tom's magic that transfigured that simple old hut was still making that simple room look better than any palace of kings.
But her eyes couldn't help but linger on the beauty of that boy, that miracle of mother nature that somehow was destined to her.
The sleeping angel seemed irritated by something in his sleep.
Evelyn raised her fingers and caressed his face that turned calm under her touch.
Tom opened his eyes and she welcomed him with a smile.
"Good morning".
Tom pulled himself up on his elbows "Good indeed. Waking up in the best dream".
She giggled and let her hand roam on his bare chest "How do you feel?".
He imitated her, his fingers exploring her hair and then her skin "I think I've never felt better. You?".
"Same. Can we stay here forever?".
"In this old shack?" he snorted, then laughed at her doubtful frown "I can stay anywhere, all I need is to have you by my side".

Although they wished to stay in that bed a bit longer, they got ready and packed up, erasing all traces of their night in that hut.
"So do you really want to go back? Or do you want a trip somewhere else for your birthday?" she suggested as they marched out of the forest.
"Anywhere you want" he squeezed her hand "You're the best present I've ever received".
Evelyn smiled happily "Last night you made me feel like it was my birthday too".

Happiness filled their hearts also during their journey back on the train.
Evelyn held her head on his shoulder as they watched the winter landscape out of the window, proud that their successful mission brought some safety back into their world.

They went to the Prewett Manor.
Evelyn expected some surprise party for Tom's birthday, but although the Prewetts welcomed them warmly, the girl noticed that something was wrong when they met Merope.
The witch hugged and kissed her son, flooding him with sweet words. But also Tom eventually started to suspect something.
"I'm sorry for not warning that I'd spend the night away. I didn't want to make you worry".
Merope caressed his face with all the love of a mother "I was worried, but you're an adult now. You are free to choose what to do with your time. But I'm very relieved you came back home safe and sound, so I can see my child turning into a man on this special day".
She hugged him again, lingering in that embrace "Seventeen years ago I was holding you like this and you were so small and quiet. Now look at you, a tall and handsome man. And a brilliant wizard. Thank you for making me a happy mother".
Tom smiled embarrassed "Mother, I'm staying now. Don't talk like I'm going to leave again soon".
"Yes, of course" Merope let out a nervous laugh trying to hold her tears "I just feel the need to say a lot of things. I'm so proud of you, Tom. I can't help but staring at you and feeling my heart exploding with joy".
But she didn't look truly joyful and if her heart was about to explode, it was aching her.
"Calm down, please" Tom begged, supporting her as she suddenly swayed "Mother, you're not feeling well?".
Merope took a deep breath and raised her hand from his arm to his face "Don't lose that smile for me. I'm happy to see you happy".
Tom looked uncomfortable under her sky smirk, so the witch turned to the girl who was standing by the door.
Evelyn didn't want to witness a private conversation, but it was more rude to leave without saying anything.
"And I'm very happy to see you too, Evelyn" Merope extended a hand to her to make her come closer "I hope I can offer you a better welcome, but please, suit yourself and feel at home".
Shyly the girl walked to her and grabbed her hand "Thank you very much for your kindness. But I have to go home for a while to warn my foster carers. They also didn't know I wasn't coming home for dinner".
She eyed Tom with worry, fearing that she might have wasted some excuse he wanted to use to justify their night on their own.
But his eyes just showed sadness for her announced departure "But you're coming back, right? I can go to talk to them and ask to let you stay here".
She winced at the idea of him facing Morfin again "There's no need. I'm sure they will agree to let me stay here for your birthday".
"Perfect" Merope chimed in "If they have something to say, I can take responsibility for it. They are also welcome to come here too. Tom, if you want, you can also invite all your friends. The Prewetts allow us to use the whole manor for today".
Tom sighed uneasily at her liveliness "I'm fine with this, mother. You know that I don't like crowds".
Evelyn dismissed herself and her instinct warned her again about Merope's weird behaviour. There was some big secret behind it and Evelyn feared to find it what it was about.

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