Chapter 5

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"We're too young, too dumb 
To know things like love
But I know better now 

So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house 
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
Dancing through our house 
With the ghost of you"

"Ghost of you", 5 Seconds of Summer


Friday 1st September 1939

The Hogwarts castle welcomed them back in a clear starry night.
Evelyn's heart exploded with joy as she felt finally back home.
The students didn't cross the lake anymore since it was a privilege reserved to the first year students.
All the other students had stagecoaches waiting for them.
"Are they pulled by magic?" Emma asked as she followed Evelyn on a coach.
"Trust me, you don't want to know what pulls them" Evelyn said enigmatically.
Emma shrugged without insisting and leaned towards her with a smirk.
On the train they had to share their compartment with two noisy Hufflepuffs so they couldn't talk freely.
"You didn't tell me what happened during your trip in the muggle world".
Evelyn slightly blushed. She knew she couldn't avoid that topic forever "What should have happened? We just wondered in London".
"The two of you alone... It sounds like a date" Emma teased.
Evelyn rolled her eyes, resisting to the temptation to search for Tom with her eyes "Well, we never dated. And he didn't even greet me since we arrived here".
"He just nodded and you nodded back on the train. That was something".

That something wasn't enough for Evelyn.
Weeks earlier, when the holidays started and the Hogwarts Express stopped at the station in London, Evelyn jumped down from the train, impatient to remind Tom that they had a deal.
She greeted her aunt and gave her uncle her trunk, quickly persuading them to wait for her at Diagon Alley, then she swam through the crowd to see Tom talking to a hooded person, then he spotted her and hurried to reach her.
He wasn't able to hide his embarrass and instructed her to run against the barrier.
She obeyed, impatient to leave behind the chaos of the wizarding station, and when she crossed the barrier the muggle part of the station appeared around her.
Tom appeared by her side soon after.
"So, where would you like to go?" He asked nervously.
She shrugged smiling "Show me the places you like the most. And by the way, do I look fine? I don't want to attract troubles".
"You look okay" he barely shot her a quick glance and started to walk to leave the station "I don't know many muggle places that you might find interesting...".
Evelyn didn't care because she asked the uses of any muggle items she saw around them.
They walked keeping a little distance, Tom was careful to be at least one step away from her and hid his hands into the pocket of his pants. But he had to take them out a lot to pull Evelyn out of the road before the cars could run over her.
Somehow he never lost his patience for the whole trip and got some muggle money by pickpocketing.
They watched the windows of the shops, they tasted some muggle ice cream and crossed some parks.
The muggle world didn't look like a bad place to live, although Evelyn felt pity for the people who couldn't solve simple life problems with magic.
Her liveliness was shadowed when her eyes casually spotted the sign of an orphanage.
She forced Tom to change road to avoid walking in front of that place.
She didn't want to visit London just as an excuse to spend some time with Tom. There was something she needed that was there, in the muggle London.
After roaming a lot, Evelyn finally spotted the kind of shop right for her.
Luckily Tom had some muggle money left and it was enough for her to buy a small, black notebook.

Evelyn had spent most of her summer writing on that notebook. She had realized that her memories were starting to fade away, and certain memories were the most valuable thing she had.
She hadn't explained to a confused Tom why she wanted a black muggle notebook as a souvenir.
She asked him how to reach the Leaky Cauldron and hoped that he would forget about her new notebook.
Once in Diagon Alley, their ways had departed.

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