Chapter 22

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"A broken heart is all that's left
I'm still fixing all the cracks
Lost a couple of pieces when
I carried it, carried it, carried it home

I'm afraid of all I am
My mind feels like a foreign land
Silence ringing inside my head
Please, carry me, carry me, carry me home

I spent all of the love I've saved
We were always a losing game
Small-town boy in a big arcade
I got addicted to a losing game

Ooh, ooh
All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game"

Arcade, Duncan Laurence


There were some weeks left to the end of the school year.
Evelyn gave her best in her final exams and was nervous to wait for so long to know the results, but she felt satisfied of herself.
She waited out of the library, knowing that Tom would come out eventually. She mentally tried to mentally repeat her request, but feared his refusal.
Finally she saw him walking to the door and she straitened her back, inhaling deeply.
"Hey" he greeted with a smile.
"Hey, did you have a nice afternoon?" She said a bit too quickly joining him in the walk.
"Yeah, quite boring. I finished my home works for Arithmancy" he showed the rolls of parchment he was carrying under his arm "Yours?".
"Let's say boring as well" Evelyn sighed and decided to go straight to the point "Tom, I need your help".
"Fire away" he said without a second thought, stopping to turn and face her.
"It's about the final play" she said hesitantly "We need you as Salazar Slytherin".
Tom's eyes narrowed "Me? I'm not interested in plays. Quidditch is more than enough".
He tried to walk away, but she grabbed his arm "Come on, Tom. Don't be shy. You don't have to do more than marching in the Great Hall dressed as Slytherin".
"You can't force me, Evelyn" he said coldly "I know that Weasley is going to play Gryffindor. That's enough to keep me away from that stuff".
"Are you scared of Weasley?" She teased him.
"No. I just want to avoid him as much as possible" he hissed moving away.
Evelyn groaned and followed him, to force him to stop again "Oh, come on, I promised Kettleburn that I knew the perfect candidate for being Slytherin".
"Then tell him you were wrong. I'm sure he can forgive you" he smirked allusively.
Evelyn rolled her eyes and tried to play her final card.
She leaned closer, enough to make him worry for her intentions.
"Aren't you the Heir of Slytherin?" She whispered in his ear "Then who else could fit in that role? Make Salazar proud".
Tom's red cheeks proved her that she got a breach into his confidence.
"Can you at least think about it?" She asked sweetly moving away. She took his silence for a yes.

In the following afternoon Evelyn frowned at the music classroom transfigured into a weird big wardrobe with bizarre costumes.
Septimus Weasley was proudly wearing his costume as Godric Gryffindor and waving an invisible sword.
His red hair fit with the colors of his House.
Kettleburn approached the group of students who were watching the rehearsal from a side of the room.
"Evelyn, can you wear this?" He waved the large blue dress he was carrying.
"Me? Why me?" She snapped trying to hide behind the other students.
"Galatea is unsure on her candidates. So for now you will be Ravenclaw. Just for the rehearsals" Kettleburn winked, but she was mentally refusing that offer.
He took out his wand "Just stand up and I'll do the rest".
"That's unfair" she complained forcing herself to stand up and take some distance from the other students before the teacher would send them to the hospital.
Kettleburn waved his wand and Evelyn felt a warm air accompanying the blinding light that surrounded her. Then she felt so exposed that she hugged herself.
The dress was sleeveless while its gown was too large and heavy.
"Whoah. I think you need a part in this play" Kettleburn commented admiring the result of his magic.
"You must play Ravenclaw" Septimus said staring without blinking.
"No, I can't. It's against the rules" Evelyn said firmly trying to feel comfortable, but she hated being in that dress.
"Then let's change the rules. Can you call Merrythought, sir? She must see this" Septimus said haughtily, but the professor didn't mind since he was still shocked by the view.
"No, I don't want to be in that play. You can't force me" Evelyn complained.
Septimus approached her and grabbed her hand, making an elegant bow on it "Then let's enjoy this private play as much as we can".

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