Chapter 46

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"Call all your friends
And tell them you're never coming back
Cause this is the end
Pretend that you want it
Don't react
The damage is done
The police are coming too slow now

I would have died
I would have loved you all my life
You're losing your memory now

Where have you gone,
The beach is so cold in winter here
And where have I gone,
I wake in Montauk with you near
Remember the day
Cause this is what dreams should always be

I just want to stay
I just want to keep this dream in me
You're losing your memory now

Wake up, it's time, little girl, wake up
All the best of what we've done is yet to come
Wake up, it's time, little girl, wake up
Just remember who I am in the morning
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory"

Losing your memory, Ryan Star


Tom exhaled deeply and gave up.
He felt so restless that he couldn't focus on the huge amount of work he had to do.
Evelyn had been busy in the latest nights at the bloody hospital so Tom had to go back home to find it dark and silent. He guessed that it was also a sort of revenge. He had been so busy with the latest exams that he forgot to owl her to warn that he wasn't coming back home. So he could imagine how she felt being back home from work and spending the night all alone.
On the other side, she always sent him an owl to him to warn about her shifts and how she was trapped in that hospital.

Shoving his students' parchments away, Tom picked a small box from his pocket and opened it, taking the small but precious jewel stored inside.
Tom rolled the ring between his long fingers.
What if she said no?
He didn't know at all how it worked. Everyone else made it look easier, but for him it sounded like the hardest task he imposed to himself.
He cursed himself for feeling like a coward, but he didn't want to waste that moment by looking silly and clumsy...

A knock on the door of his office broke his thoughts.
Instinct told him that something was wrong.
"Tom, here you are".
Tom placed the ring back to its box and hid it back into his pocket.
He stood up eyeing the older teacher "Albus, what happened?".
Dumbledore looked at him with deep sorrow in his eyes "I just got a message from London. An accident happened and Evelyn is involved".
"What?" Tom snapped incredulously "At St Mungo's?".
"Yes. A patient stole the wand from a healer and attacked".
"What happened to her?" Tom inquired feeling his anxiety growing.
"The attacker used an obliviate. The message said that Evelyn lost her memory so if we want to visit her we have to be careful".

Tom turned pale. He felt his world crushing on him. He wished it was just a nightmare. It had to be only a nightmare.
"I can't believe it" he said breathlessly, then felt the urge for action "I have to go to her. Now".
"Be careful, Tom" Dumbledore warned "You can't afford that she remembers the wrong memories of you. She got a trauma and traumatic events are used to resurrect other traumatic memories. And the place she is now isn't helping".
Tom turned even more paler. That definitely had to be a nightmare.
"So I am not allowed to tell her who I am?" he asked brokenhearted. It was too bad to be true.
Dumbledore placed a hand oh his shoulder "You have to let her heart recognize you".


Being talkative was one of her qualities, but in that brand new situation Emma felt totally speechless.
She wanted to say many things, but to her friend Evelyn. While the witch laying on the bed with an absent look acted like a stranger.
Evelyn was like just a shell, deprived of her true self.
Emma couldn't bear the vision of her unfortunate friend anymore, so she glanced nervously around her, checking out of the windows until in the corridor she spotted a familiar face next to Healer Renshaw. She felt deeply nervous like whenever she had to face him when she was a Prefect.

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