Chapter 24

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"How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you

My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me"

All of me, John Legend


Evelyn didn't know how to feel.
Since she had left Hogwarts, she kept reading those words overwhelmed by opposite feelings.
That song had turned her emotional, but realizing that it was written by Tom made it much more valuable.
Evelyn didn't miss any chance to unroll that parchment and watch his elegant handwriting.

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

Evelyn giggled with tears in her eyes.
Two rivals worked together to create a song.
Evelyn hated feeling turned between two boys, right when she believed that everything was fixed.

To keep her mind busy she spent more time in the shop of her uncle Caractacus.
There were many items that tickled her curiosity and she liked dealing delicately with dark artefacts.
After spending the afternoon cleaning an old box filled with dirty vials of different potions, she was attracted by one of them. The potion had a bright emerald color.
After staring it for a while, an idea crossed her mind and Evelyn's fingers almost dropped the vial.
"Uncle?" She called nervously "Is this what I think it is? The Drink of Despair?".
Caractacus nodded "Exactly. I'm surprised that you know it actually".
"And what is it doing here?" Her question was interrupted as the door opened. She hurried to place the potion back into its box.
Her eyes widened as she recognized Tom, stepping in after a short witch that Evelyn recognized as his mother Merope.
Flustered, Evelyn ducked to hide the box under the counter and flattened her dress nervously.
"Good morning" Merope said eyeing Caractacus, her tone so strong that was quite intimidating.
Evelyn crossed Tom's eyes, who was trying to control his embarrassment, but his checks were turning red.
Evelyn felt Merope's stare on her so she crossed her divergent eyes.
"What are you doing here?" Merope tried to soften her question with a weak smile.
"She's my niece" Caractacus replied "How can I help you, madam?".
Merope gaped moving her eye from Evelyn to Tom, with a growing surprise like she was realizing some big truth.
"I'm here to get news about something that I sold in this shop many years ago".
Tom lowered his head and shoulders, looking almost like a humiliated puppy.
"What was that?".
"A golden locket. You gave me ten galleons for that".

Caractacus tried to hide his anxiety. He clearly remembered that thing but tried to appear confused.
None of them could know that that locket was right in the same room with them.
Evelyn could feel cold sweat running down her skin under her light dress. She pressed her lips together. She could not speak.
"I've seen many golden lockets, madam. You have to be more specific".
"It had Slytherin's mark on it. I sold it few days before Christmas in 1926".
"Hmm, I see. Well, you can't buy it back because I sold it moments after you had sold me".
Merope looked surprised "Really? And how much money did you take from it?".
"I don't remember now. Madam, how can I remember all the items I've sold?".
"But you should have a register to sign everything that you buy and sell. I remember you asked my name before completing the trade".

Rigidly Evelyn glanced at Tom, who was equally embarassed.
Caractacus sighed, but couldn't complain "I can check, but I'm not sure I have any information you need. I don't sign every single trade that I make. Only the most important ones. I'm not sure I can help you".
"Listen, this is very important for us. We need that locket back. If you can at least tell us whom you had sold it to, I'm ready to pay for this piece of information" Merope insisted.
"I'm afraid I can't. I forgot to ask that witch her name. I was tired and she was in a hurry. I was upset because she came when I already closed the shop and she wanted that locket at any cost. She knew I had it although I didn't mention it to anyone and I had kept it in my drawer".
"A witch? What else can you tell me?".
"She was young. With black hair. And she was wearing a light dress. I remember it because it was a freezing day. Oh, it was new year's eve day".
Merope's expression was poignant.

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