Chapter 26

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"Seconds from my heart
A bullet from the dark
Helpless, I surrender
Shackled by your love

Holding me like this
With poison on your lips
Only when it's over
The silence hits so hard
Carrying the load, with wings that feel like stone
Knowing that we nearly fell so far now
It's hard to tell
Yeah we came so close, it was almost love
When I run out of air to breathe
It's your ghost I see
I'll be thinking about you, about you
'Cause it was almost love"

Skin, Rag n Bone Man


Evelyn was scared of the darkness surrounding her. She was even more scared of the dark thing she was forced to do. The darkness was gathered into the figure of Tom, standing next to her, giving her no way to escape what he wanted her to do.
Someone was crawling on the dirty ground in front of them. The victim.
But Evelyn was a victim too.
She was unable to speak, to tell him that she didn't want to do that. But her fear that his anger might hurt her killed her voice in her troat.
Invisible heavy chains were keeping her down, like the most miserable creature.
Evelyn looked at her own arm, her wand raised in front of her.
"You know the spell" a husky voice whispered in her ear, shooting waves of pleasure through her body.
Tom was so addictive, self confident, powerful...

Abruptly Evelyn woke up, sweating cold and hearing the echoes of screams. They sounded like her own screams.
When her breathing calmed down, the weird nightmare was already fading from her mind.

At breakfast Evelyn watched the empty cup in front of her, ignoring her friends' conversation until she heard a creepy question from Eileen.
"What could be worse? The Drink of Despair or a Dementor's kiss?".
Evelyn eyed her with shock "Why do you mention such awful things?".
"Your desperate face reminded me of these two things".
"I'm not desperate. I simply didn't sleep well" Evelyn explained, interrupted by Emma giggles as she stood up to greet Corvus and walked away with him.

Eileen sighed watching the couple leaving together "Another year as singles. Shouldn't we change something for the upcoming year?".
"Something already changed for me. I won't stay at Hogwarts this Christmas" Evelyn announced.
"That's a great news. So finally we can go shopping on Christmas Eve all together!".

Evelyn didn't care about Christmas yet. There was Halloween in between and a trip to Hogsmeade.
"I made a list of all the things I need to do during the trip. The life of a smuggler is really hard" Roland said as she accompanied him down a staircase.
"Do you like it so much you put yourself in danger to make happy the younger students who can't join the trip yet?".
"Finding that passage was the chance of a lifetime. A secret I don't want to reveal to anyone. I'm used to this job" Roland stiffened and grabbed the railings while the staircase trembled under Hagrid's heavy steps.
After the half giant passed by, Roland moved closer to her and offered some packets.
Quickly Evelyn grabbed the stuff and pushed it into her pockets, checking that nobody was observing them.
"Eileen is very happy for the rare ingredients you found for her. She is enjoying making her new potions" she whispered to him with an allusive smirk.
"Give my thanks to Princess Eileen" he said solemnly.
Evelyn chuckled "Did you have no troubles at all recently?".
"Been caught? No, although I know that Riddle is keeping an eye on me. But I guess he's too afraid of reporting me, for not making you upset" he made a small bow grinning and walked away.

On Saturday morning Evelyn sacrificed some more minutes of sleep for supporting her friend and her duties as Prefect.
In the cold air of the morning, she helped Emma to check the list of students allowed to join the trip while on the other side of the road Tom was doing the same but Corvus wasn't helping him.
When finally the queue of students ended, they walked to Hogsmeade.
Corvus grabbed Emma's hand and they marched forgetting everything else.
Evelyn walked next to Tom, eyeing her cousin Milly walking some meters in front of her with her sturdy boyfriend, who seemed the only one able to tame her.

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