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(Athena POV)

After checking on Lucy and Gael, I walked out to find we had almost reached our destination. I walked over to Caspian and Drinian.

"It looks uninhabited.But if the lords followed the mist east, they would have stopped here," Caspian says as he looks out of the telescope.

"Could be a trap," Drinian says.

"Or it could hold some answers," I say and Edmund nods in agreement.

"Caspian?" Edmund asks.

"We'll spend the night on shore. Scour the island in the morning," Caspian orders.

"Aye, your Majesty," Drinian says. We take the longboats to shore. Lucy, Gael, and I lay beside each other before we all went to sleep. I'm awoken by the sound of someone squirming. I look up to find Lucy in the air.

"Lucy?" I ask.

"Take her!" A voice says before I'm grabbed by something. Whatever it is, blocks my mouth to keep me from calling out. Lucy and I are carried for a while as we struggle to get free from our captors. Lucy and I are then thrown to the ground. Lucy unsheathes her dagger while I pull out my sais. The weapons are then knocked out of our hands. Lucy and I make a run for our weapons but we are shoved back.

"There is no escape," A deep voice says.

"Well put," Another says.

"Scary. Yeah," Another says.

"What are you?" Lucy asks.

"We are terrifying invisible beasts," A voice says.

"If you could see us, you would be really intimidated," The deep voice says.

"Yeah, you forgot to mention that we are very large," Another says.

"Well, what do you want?" I ask.

"You. You'll both do what we ask," The deep voice answers.

"She will. Very clear. Well, put. Yeah," The other voices say.

"Or what?" Lucy asks.

"Or death," The deep voice says.

"Death? Death? Death? Death. Death. Death," The others chant.

"Well, we wouldn't be much use to you dead, would we?" I ask them with a sneer.

"I hadn't thought of that," A voice says.

"No, you hadn't. Fair point," Others say.

"All right, then we'll just kill your friends," The deep voice says and Lucy clutches onto my arm.

"Ooh. Good idea," Some say.

"What do you want with us?" Lucy asks.

"You will enter the house of The Oppressor," The deep voice answers as we are shoved forward.

"What house? I ask.

"This one," A voice answers as two doors open.

"Upstairs, you'll find The Book of Incantations. Recite the spell that makes the unseen seen," The deep voice says.

"Well put, Chief. Well, put. Yeah. Yeah," The others say. I walk up to the doors as Lucy and I look on either side of them only to find bushes.

"Well, go on. We haven't got all day. Remember what will happen to your friends. You've been warned. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Right. Yeah," They all say.

"Why don't you do it yourselves?" I ask.

"We can't read," One answers.

"Can't write either, as a matter of fact," Another says.

"Or add. Yeah," Others say.

"Why didn't you just say so?" Lucy asks them.

"Beware The Oppressor. He's very oppressive. 'What makes the unseen seen,' got it? Don't forget. Don't forget that. Yeah," They say. Lucy and I walk into the house and the doors close behind us.

(Caspian POV)

I wake up the next morning and find big footprints in the sand.

"Ed," I say. "Ed, wake up. Wake up, look." I shake Edmund awake.

"Where's Lucy and Athena?" Edmund asks. I quickly follow the footprints to see that they lead over to where the girls had been sleeping. "Lucy? Lucy!"

"Athena! Athena!" I call out as well. We get no answer. I've failed at protecting her again. "Everybody up!" I start getting my things together.

"Get up. Get up, I said!" Drinian orders.

"This way!" I say as I see which way the footsteps went. I have to find Athena. We take off in the direction that the footsteps go.

(Athena POV)

Lucy and I walk until we find a book sitting on a podium. Lucy starts trying to get the book to open but it is locked. I look at the designs on the podium and it shows a cupid blowing a cloud.

"Lucy, look," I say making her stop. I then blow on the cover of the book. The letters rearranged to say 'The Book Of Incantations'. Lucy is able to unlock the book and she starts flipping through the spells. "'With these words, your tongue must sew For all around there to be snow'" I read and it starts snowing. Lucy and I smile at each other in shock. I start playing in the snow while looking around. I hear Lucy blow on the book to get the snow off of it. The pages start turning incredibly fast until Lucy slams her arm down on the book. I look around to see the snow gone. I walk over to the other books and to my surprise, I find a book about when the Pevensies came to Narnia. I'm in my own world as I read until I hear Aslan's growl.

"Aslan? Aslan?" Lucy calls out.

"What is it, Lucy?" I ask her as I walk over to her and the book.

"Nothing," Lucy answers.

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