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(3rd Person POV)

Athena looks over to the book.

"'A spell to make the unseen seen'." Athena reads. "You found it!" Athena says as she smiles at Lucy. "'Like the 'p' in psychology. The 'h' in psychiatry. Invisible ink and the truth in theology..."

Outside Caspian, Edmund, and the others follow the footprints.

"Caspian, Lucy's dagger," Edmund says as he picks up the dagger. Caspian sees a glint of silver out of the corner of his eye. He turns to find Athena's sais.

"And Athena's sais," Caspian says as he picks them up. All of a sudden a spear lands on either side of him. Caspian and the others quickly unsheathe their swords as more spears fall around them.

"Stop right there or perish," A deep voice calls out before Caspian and his men are unarmed.

"'The spell is complete. Now all is visible'," Athena finishes reading.

"Athena, look," Lucy whispers. They look to find the Oppressor. He looks up to see Athena and Lucy's shocked faces.

"What sort of creatures are you?" Caspian calls out.

"Big ones with the head of a tiger and the body of a different tiger," A voice answers.

"You don't want to mess with us," Another calls out.

"Or what?" Edmund asks.

"Or I'll claw you to death," One says as they become visible.

"And I'll ram my tusks right through you," Another says.

"And I'll gnash you with my teeth," The deep voice says.

"And I'll bite you with my fangs. Grrr!" The final one calls out.

"You mean squash us with your fat bellies?" Caspian asks.

"Yes!Fat bellies?" They say.

"Tickle us with your toes?" Caspian asks. The Dufflepuds realize that they have become visible again. This causes the ones that were carrying someone to drop them.

"What have you done with my sister, you little pip-squeak?" Edmund asks the one with the deep voice.

"Now, calm down," The deep voice one says.

"Where is she?" Edmund asks.

"And Athena?" Caspian asks.

"You better tell him. Go on, Chief, tell him," The others say.

"In the mansion," The deep-voiced, Chief says.

"What mansion?" Edmund asks. A mansion then becomes visible. "Oh. That mansion."

"I'm really getting tired of you all leaving me behind..." Eustace says as he comes out of the bushes.

"It's the pig!The pig has come back," The others say.

"This place just gets weirder and weirder," Eustace says. The Oppressor, Lucy, and Athena then walk out of the mansion.

"The Oppressor! The Oppressor!" The others call out.

"Lucy," Edmund says.

"Caspian," Athena says as she runs forward and wraps him in a hug. As she pulls away she feels her cheek burn. Caspian's cheeks are also red.

(Athena POV)

I can't believe I just hugged Caspian, like that and in front of everyone.

"Your Majesty," Coriakin says as he bows.

"Caspian and Edmund," Lucy introduces.

"This is Coriakin. It's his island," I add. Caspian and Edmund bow to him.

"That's what he thinks. You have wronged us, magician," Chief says.

"I have not wronged you. I made you invisible for your own protection," Coriakin says as he walks towards the Dufflepuds which makes them back away.

"Protection? That's oppressive! Oppressor!" They call out.

"I have not oppressed you," Coriakin says.

"But you could've, if you'd wanted to," Chief argues.

"Be gone," Coriakin says as he throws something at them.

"It's a spell!" Chief yells before the Dufflepuds hop away.

"What was that?" Lucy asks.

"Lint," Coriakin answers. "But don't tell them."

"What were those things?" Eustace asks.

"Dufflepuds," I answer him with a smile.

"Right, of course. Silly me," Eustace says. Caspian, Drinian, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace, and I follow Coriakin back into the mansion.

"What did you mean when you said you made them invisible for their own good?" Lucy asks.

"It seemed the easiest way to protect them from the evil," Coriakin answers.

"You mean the mist?" Edmund asks.

"I mean what lies behind the mist," Coriakin answers. We enter a room where Coriakin unrolls a map.

"That's quite beautiful," Eustace says as we look at the map. I see Orieus blowing his horn. Peter and I going to battle against the White Witch. Memories I shall always cherish, even the bad ones. Lucy and Edmund look at Eustace shocked by what he said. "I mean, for a make-believe map of a make-believe world."

"There is the source of your troubles. Dark Island. A place where evil lurks," Coriakin explains as the map shows us the Dark Island. It was many black twists with an eerie green glow. "It can take any form. It can make your darkest dreams come true. It seeks to corrupt all goodness to steal the light from this world."

"How do we stop it?" I ask him.

"You must break its spell," Coriakin answers. "That sword you carry, there are six others." Coriakin points at Edmund's sword.

"Have you seen them?" Edmund asks.

"Yes," Coriakin answers.

"The six lords, they passed through here?" Caspian asks.

"Indeed," Coriakin answers.

"Where were they headed?" Lucy asks.

"Where I sent them," Coriakin answers as the map changes. "To break the spell you must follow the Blue Star to Ramandu's Island. There, the seven swords must be laid at Aslan's table. Only then can their true magical power be released." Caspian and I glance at each other. "But beware you are all about to be tested."

"Tested?" Lucy asks.

"Until you lay down the seventh sword, evil has the upper hand. It will do everything in its power to tempt you," Coriakin answers. "Be strong. Don't fall to temptation. To defeat the darkness out there you must defeat the darkness inside yourself." Coriakin then turns to me. "Stay true to yourself and be the hope in the darkness." I nod before we all leave back to the ship.

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