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(Athena POV)

We all made our way outside. We see an island in the distance but it seems to be barren. We decided to go to shore anyways.

"I doubt the lords stopped here, my liege. There's no sign of anything living," Reepicheep says once we were in the longboats on our way to shore.

"Right. Well, once we get ashore, take your men and search for food and water. The four of us will look for clues," Caspian orders.

"Hang on, you mean the five of us," Eustace says. Caspian and I give him an 'are you serious' look. "Come on, please don't send me back to the rat."

"I heard that," Reepicheep says from the other longboat.

"Big ears," Eustace says.

"I heard that too," Reepicheep says which brings a small smile to my face. Lucy, Edmund, and Caspian laugh. Caspian gives me a worried look when he sees me not laughing. I give him a reassuring smile. We make it to the shore. Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, and I begin looking for any sign that the Lords were on this island.

"Look, we're not the first ones on this island," Caspian says as he runs over to a rope that leads down into a hole.

"The lords?" Edmund asks.

"Could be," I answer. Caspian drops a rock down into the hole and it hits bottom. There a flicker of gold light.

"What do you think could be down there?" Caspian asks.

"Let's find out," Edmund says. Edmund makes his way down first before the rest of us followed.

"What's that?" Caspian asks as we walk up to Edmund. We see some type of statue in the water.

"I don't know. Looks like some sort of gold statue," Edmund answers before he goes and grabs a branch. Edmund dips into the water before pulling it out. The branch turns to gold and Edmund drops it because of its weight.

"He must have fallen in," I say as I bend down to examine the man closer.

"Poor man," Lucy says.

"You mean, 'poor lord'," Edmund corrects as he points to a shield.

"The crest of Lord Restimar," Caspian says.

"And his sword," I say as I point to the sword.

"We need it," Caspian says.

"Be careful," Lucy says as Edmund leans out to use his sword to get the other sword. Caspian holds onto Edmund as Edmund retrieves the sword. "Your sword hasn't turned to gold."

"Both the swords are magical," I say.

"Here," Caspian says and Edmund hands him the sword.

"He mustn't have known what hit him," Lucy says.

"Maybe. Or maybe he was onto something," Edmund says. I don't like where he is heading with this.

"What are you talking about?" Caspian asks him, clearly not liking it either. Edmund grabs a shell before dunking it into the water. The shell turns to gold.

"What are you staring at?" Lucy asks Edmund.

"Whoever has access to this pool could be the most powerful person in the world," Edmund explains. Caspian and I share a worried look. "Lucy, we'd be so rich. No one could tell us what to do or who to live with."

"You can't take anything out of Narnia, Edmund," I tell him.

"Says who?" Edmund asks.

"I do," Caspian says. Edmund stands up and grabs his sword.

"I'm not your subject," Edmund says.

"You've been waiting for this, haven't you? To challenge me? You doubt my leadership?" Caspian questions him.

"You doubt yourself," Edmund argues.

"You're a child," Caspian says.

"And you're a spineless sap, who can't even admit his feelings to a girl!" Edmund argues. What?

"Edmund," Lucy tries but he shoves her back. I grab her to keep her from falling.

"Stay here," I tell her as I walk toward Edmund and Caspian.

"I'm tired of playing second fiddle. First, it was Peter and now it's you! You know I'm braver than both of you. Why do you get Peter's sword? I deserve a kingdom of my own. I deserve to rule!" Edmund says.

"If you think you're so brave, prove it!" Caspian says.

"Ah!" Edmund yells out before he attacks Caspian.

"No! Stop it!" I yell as I run between them and catch both of their swords with my sais. "Both of you! Look at yourselves. Can't you see what's happening? This place has tempted you. It's bewitching you."

"This is exactly what Coriakin was talking about. Let's just get out of here," Lucy says as she heads for the rope. I send Edmund and Caspian a stern look. Caspian looks ashamed when I look at him. I follow after Lucy. We make our back to the shore.

"What food did you find?" I ask.

"It's volcanic, your Majesty. Not much grows," Rhince explains.

"At least you found something. Something is better than nothing," I tell him with a smile.

"Where's Eustace?" Lucy asks.

"I believe he's out, not helping us load the boats," Reepicheep answers. You've got to be kidding me.

"Eustace! Eustace!" Lucy calls out. "Edmund, I've got a bad feeling."

"I'll go find him," Edmund says.

"I'll come with you," Caspian says before handing me the sword we found.

"Be careful," I tell him with a small smile which he returns. The others returned to the ship while I wait on Caspian and Edmund.

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