Chapter 40: 40 - God of War

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Aztania: This is why I don't like taking much time between updates because details get foggy. The Uchiha Clan is all alive and in hiding, in this case Kirigakure. Though no one knows of their presence there.

Nao is not pointless. I wouldn't just pop out an Uchiha and have her die in same chapter of all places, have a little faith. Itachi, Sasuke, Fugaku and Nao will be the only half blood Uchihas I'll focus. The rest of the clan is just cannon fodder.

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Legacy Part 2

Kiri Civil War Arc

Chapter 40 - God of War

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## Previously ##

Hinata sat on the ground taking deep breaths and trying to fight off unconsciousness when she a blonde blur. She smiled knowing very well who that blur was. It was her knight in shining armor. Well...not shining per say but it was close enough.

"Naruto-kun" Hinata said closing her eyes and embracing unconsciousness.

## Now ##

Naruto almost stumbled as he got to the medical stations. Even to his trained blue eyes the surroundings were nothing but a blur as he was racing towards the site of the explosion. The others tried their best to catch to him but only the dragons and Mei could keep up with him and even then they were strained to do so.

Naruto arrived at the medical stations and saw nothing but fire. The medical tents were decimated and only a large crater and fire could be seen. Naruto's heart was racing as he scanned his surroundings trying to find Hinata. Naruto knew she was here and most likely got caught in the blast.

"HINATA" Naruto yelled but got no reply. He looked around trying to find any sign of life.

"Kit" Kurama called out from inside his mind "I can sense her...a few meters to the east...she's not alone" Kurama said and Naruto disappeared again. Naruto arrived at the location Kurama had said and found Hinata leaning against a rock. She was unconscious, that Naruto could see from far away. In a flash Naruto was by her side and just in time to block a array of shurikens that were coming for her.

Naruto blocked all of the shuriken and looked towards they came from, only to notice a shinobi shunshin away. It was only a glimpse but Naruto could see that she was female and she was that medic, Nao, he had saved from when he infiltrated the strongholds.

Naruto took Hinata in his arms and gently laid her on the ground. Naruto bent down, placing his head on her chest to sigh in relief when he heard a strong heartbeat. His eyes were flashing red with black slits as he unintentionally pulled Kurama's power. He was pissed alright. In a flash of hand seals and a poof of smoke, Kagura was on the human realm.

"You summoned Naruto?" Kagura asked but didn't wait for a reply when he saw the devastation around her and Naruto's mate on the ground. Kagura's tails immediately started glowing and scanning Hinata's body.

"She's lucky to have survived this blast" Kagura said but Naruto didn't reply, he just looked at Hinata "She has a few broken ribs, internal bleeding and a concussion, most likely from the explosion and getting blasted towards this rock" Kagura explained and Naruto nodded, his eyes flashing silver.

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