Chapter 62: 62 - Here We Go Again

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Legacy Part 2

No Spoiler Arc

Chapter 62 - Here We Go Again


## Konoha ##

The entire village was in a state of bliss and excitement. The reason behind all of this? The news that the previous hokages had been brought to life had spread through the village like a wild fire. Mere hours after the council meeting had finished and already all of Konoha knew about the return of the fallen heroes.

And everyone in the village, be it civilian or shinobi always tried their best to walk by the Senju compound, in a desperate attempt to even catch a small glimpse of the hokages. Every hokage had been a friend, a leader, an icon to the people. And for those who didn't have the pleasure of knowing the legends in person, they did their best to at least see them.

Tsunade had confined everyone to the compound during the last few days, waiting for the dust to settle so to speak. It wasn't every day that the fifth hokage barged into the roof of the newly reconstructed hokage tower and shouted that the previous hokages had been resurrected to the whole village. There was no finesse in her speech. It was a single shout that left most of the people rooted in place with their jaws on the ground.

Then again, finesse wasn't exactly a typical trait of the Senju clan. They tended be louder and somewhat reckless to a fault, not to mention the unhealthy addiction to ramen. Not that Teuchi was complaining of course. The additional costumers all looking to catch a glimpse of Naruto helped a lot.

But anyway, I'm digressing here. Let us focus of Naruto, who was currently laying down on his bed with Hinata sleeping next to him. It was still early in the day so it was no surprise. "What am I going to do now?" Naruto thought to himself, playing with a strand of Hinata's silky hair.

He had been so focused on the last three years of his life to train and train. His sole focus had been to become as strong as possible to take down the Akatsuki. But now that he did that, he felt disappointed? No that wasn't it. Sad? No, that wasn't either.

He felt bored. With the Akatsuki alive there was always that threat of something sparking and throwing him into combat. Now? He spent his days dealing with the paperwork that came with the position of clan head. Maybe he wasn't cut out to become Hokage, not if he had to deal with paperwork eight hours a day.

He had to find something productive to do or he would go crazy. He still didn't know how to approach the whole 'bring peace to the world' mission. Naruto was broken when he heard a particularly loud crash coming from the kitchen. The sound of dishes breaking and smashing to the floor came followed by a horrified screech of fear.

Naruto raised an eyebrow when everything became quiet once again. Too quiet for his taste. That was why Naruto didn't even flinch in bed when the door to his room opened loudly and Kurama came running inside still in his chibi form. Naruto raised an eyebrow at the look of sheer desperation the fox had.

"Naruto, you've got to help me. Hide me, summon me back to the seal, anything" Kurama said quickly, his voice filled with complete despair.

"What did you do?" Naruto asked in amusement. He looked over to see Hinata stir slowly and rub her eyes, pushing the sleep away.

"Morning" Hinata mumbled, watching Kurama bounce frantically on Naruto's chest.

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