Chapter 52: 52 - A Fated Meeting

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SPeCTeR-ll7: I don't know if are an author here but if you are you would know that stories change as you write them. I figure this would be a fitter end to Sasuke.

Publicguy: Yes, the dragons will have abilities that are related to their respective riders. Like Minato's will be the fastest, Hinata's will be poisonous...stuff like that.


Legacy Part 2

Clans of Konoha Arc

Chapter 52 - A Fated Meeting


## Amegakure ##

Amegakure no Sato, otherwise known as the hidden rain village. This is a small, yet highly industrialized hidden village. Its architecture is composed of several metallic skyscrapers with rowed ducts connected to them and many power lines surrounding. As its name suggests, it rains almost constantly due to a storm above the village. All the water seemingly ends in a large lake that surrounds the village.

History has always been grim for this village. Located in the middle of the five great nations didn't exactly help much either. While this location was excellent as it provided good trade routes that boosted the village's economy it also had problems, and the main one was war. The rain village, and many other small villages, would always get caught in the battles of the great five nations. Even if they chose to remain neutral, they were dragged into endless conflict until one side admit defeat.

This was what had happened during the last great ninja wars. The second great shinobi war had crippled the village as she stood between three of the great nations. Konoha led by Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Sandaime Hokage, Iwa led of Oonoki, the Sandaime Tsuchikage and Suna, led by their Sandaime Kazekage and wielder of the Iron Sand bloodline. Ame and their leader Salamander Hanzo was forced to participate in this battle and during it, the Sannin were born.

And then came the third and last great ninja war. A war that managed to involve all of the five great nations. Out of those five, the fire and the earth country clashed with unprecedented fierceness, and Ame paid the price by being the battlefield. By the end of it, the hidden rain village was in total chaos. Thousands dead and even more injured. The surviving became nothing more than war refugees, surviving as the years passed by.

Eventually Hanzo was removed from power by none other than Uzumaki Nagato or as he is known, Pein. He defeated and killed Hanzo and every one of his followers, becoming the new leader of the rain village. Pein, the self-entitled God of Peace, rules the rain village with by an iron fist and anyone who disobeys him, gets killed.

The Deva Path, or Yahiko's body being controlled by Nagato, stood in the tallest building in the village. Pein's Tower as the building was called, from there Nagato could see to the far ends of his village, right to the gates. It made him a higher power to anyone below as he stood watching over his village, untiring and unyielding.

"Good job"

Pein turned around from his balcony on the tower to gaze at the owner of the voice. Tobi was standing in the room wearing the usual black cloak with red clouds and, as expected, his orange mask in place, with the right sharingan glowing behind it.

"Tobi" Pein said as he watched the man slowly approach him.

"With the Sanbi captured we now have five of the nine bijuus. Nibi from Kumo, Sanbi and Rokubi from Kiri and the Yonbi and Gobi from Iwa" Tobi said and Pein nodded.

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