drugin' | three.

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March 29, 2018

               New York City, New York

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               New York City, New York. A cold breeze smacked into Shantey's face as she walked off the plane behind Sino and Anissa. Her hands were tucked into her Badgley Mischka Tie-Dye trench coat and a beanie covering the top of her curly hair. She sped-walked towards the entrance of the airport, Sino held the door open for them and when they were inside, he walked in. They went through being checked and the medal detector before footing through the airport.

Shantey rolled her eyes when she spotted paparazzi outside through the glass doors. She walked out the front doors and the men immediately rushed her with questions and flashes of their cameras. Sino made sure to keep a distance between them and Shantey.

"Are you here working on music, Shantey?"

"Probably," she answered as the man followed with his camera.

"Or could it be you're here to regain custody of your son since you're out of rehab?"

"You never know with me. I'm unpredictable." Shantey winked at the camera as Sino opened the door of the Cadillac Escalade and she climbed in.

The man mouthed off another question when the door shut. Sino placed the luggage in the back and shooed the paparazzi away from the SUV before getting into the passenger seat. The male driver pulls off soon after.

"Why you say that?" Anissa questioned. "Now they're about to make it sumthin it's not."

"When do they not?" Shantey shrugged, shooting a text to her son that she made it. "They can assume what they want to assume."

"Let's just focus right now on what you're about to write in the studio to get this label off your ass."

"Someone has on their Publicist hat this morning."

"Gotta stay on my toes fucking around with you," Anissa voiced as she fixed her eyelash. "You just say anything out your mouth."

"It's called real."

"No, it's called impulsive. You say and do without forethought."

"Yeah, whatever."

"And one more thing," Anissa looked at Shantey. "Do not reach out to David while we're in New York. Only people that should be communicating from his team and yours is the attorneys."

Shantey only nodded, staring at the skyscrapers they passed.

"No, look at me and say you're not going to reach out to him, Shantey."

Groaning, Shantey looks over to Anissa and says, "I'm not gonna reach out to David while I'm in New York."

Anissa looks her hazel-green eyes a few seconds longer before nodding.

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