drugin' | eight.

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April 25, 2018

April 25, 2018

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               New York City

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               New York City. Shantey walks around her hotel searching for Cruz's sneakers. She's had him for a whole day when he was bought to her by Francesca. She enjoyed spending time with her son, but it was only annoying because she had Francesca over her shoulder every second of the day and night. Francesca even spent the night at her hotel on the pullout bed in the living room. Francesca is the one that on the papers to supervise Shantey's visits since Dave suggested it. He wanted his son to be comfortable and not around a woman or man he had no idea who they were.

While Dave was cool with his mother supervising, Shantey was over it. But it was a sacrifice she was willing to make when it came to her child.

Shantey stands to her feet when she doesn't see his sneakers under the couch. She needed to finish getting him dressed to leave since her visitation was over. It was only a day, but she took what she could. Francesca leans on the breakfast bar, shaking her head.

"It starts with you losing his shoes," Francesca comments, crossing her hands over her breasts.

"Please," Shantey holds her hand up, "do not start with me. He probably just misplaced them. It's not that serious."

"Yes, it is. I have to get him back to his Father. Be glad he even spent a full night with you."

Shantey holds her tongue from what she really wants to say and proceeds to search for his sneakers. She walks back into the bedroom and ends up finding them behind the window curtain where Cruz hid them from her. She grabs the Jordan Retros and walks to the bed where Cruz lays down on his iPad...

 She grabs the Jordan Retros and walks to the bed where Cruz lays down on his iPad

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