drugin' | thirty nine.

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October 14, 2019

October 14, 2019

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AFTER ANOTHER LONG NIGHT in the studio, Dave walked through the front door

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AFTER ANOTHER LONG NIGHT in the studio, Dave walked through the front door. Tossing his keys on the nearby table, he spotted the light on in the kitchen and overheard pans rattling. He strolled up the stairwell to start the process of awakening his children to start their day for school. Footing to his daughter's room first, since she's easier to wake, the light is already flicked on and sound of a movie playing. He peaked in to his mother parting her granddaughters hair as Kairi sipped on her juice and watched Trolls.

 He peaked in to his mother parting her granddaughters hair as Kairi sipped on her juice and watched Trolls

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"Shoulda known you was up mama," he mentioned, walking into her bedroom. Leaning downward, he pressed his lips against Kairi forehead. "Mornin' babygirl."

"Morning Daddy." She uttered with her attention remaining on the television.

Dave grunted as he stretched his long, and toned arms in the air. "Where Cru?"

"Where else?" Francesca rhetorically asked before saying, "That boy in there knocked. He like you when it came to waking you for school."

He chuckled and says, "I got 'em."

Dave turned out of Kairi bedroom and footed to the room two doors down. Flicking on the light, he spotted his son tangled in the comforter and snoring lightly. A chuckle eased out his mouth, "Getcha ass up! It's time for school li'l homie!"

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