drugin' | forty six.

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November 27, 2019

November 27, 2019

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"Why are you calling me?"

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"Why are you calling me?"

Tania's chuckle spread throughout her ears from the other end of the device. "Well, I am your mother—"

"I'm hanging up." Shantey cut her off, pulling the device from her ear.

Her thumb hovered over the end button to hang up, but she overheard, "wait, wait!"

She exhaled sharply and placed the phone back on her ear. "The fuck do you want Tania?"

"A relationship with my daughter. . ." Tania revealed, gaining laughter from Shantey.

"Fuck out of here! After all the bashing you and Tajana did. Coming to my show and causing utter chaos and now you want a relationship with your daughter? Bye."

"I'm serious Shantey," Tania sighed into the line. "You're my oldest and we have no relationship with one another—"

"And who fault is that?"

"Mine. . . for not being the best mother to you. Or Taj, or Monae." Tania admitted, "You, being my eldest, I shoulda taught you better. I shoulda taught you where my mother failed. I see you're having another Son and it just bought me to realization I have grandchildren I don't know anything about aside from Taj's kids. I want to be in their life but I know it's a process. You, Monae, Taj, and I can sit down with a therapist. Talk about our issues. Please, I really need this."

Even with a sincere tone, Shantey did not believe anything Tania uttered from voice-box. She knows her birth giver. She knows she is manipulative and everything with her is calculated. Nothing about Tania is honesty. She's a devil in black Air Force Ones. Well, now that she has money— Prada.

"You full of shit," Shantey laughed. "You sound really convincing but I know you. You want sumthin from me and guess what I'm not giving it. Y'all will never be around my Sons. You wanted this little moment, you shoulda tried that after I told you your boyfriend molested me. You're in capable of giving a fuck. And so am I when it comes to you. With the upmost disrespect, fuck you."

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