drugin' | forty five.

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                "Sino— Sino! Get the hell offa me!" She spoke sharply just as he transported her outside of the police station, right in front of the double entrance doors

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                "Sino— Sino! Get the hell offa me!" She spoke sharply just as he transported her outside of the police station, right in front of the double entrance doors. She was livid— scared. Nobody was answering her pertaining to her Son, nor was the police officer mentioning his name. She didn't plan on burying her eldest child six feet under fucking dirt to rot in a casket. She wanted her children to die of old age, not by a bullet coming from street thugs or men in blue. If anything she would take that bullet for them just so they can live on.

"Just. . ." Sino sighed seeing the fear in her bicolored eyes, "take a breather Shantey."

"Not until I see my Son."

"I get it... you worried. But don't forget you got another baby you carrying that you need to stay mellow for. Or are you tryna go into early labor? You only bout twenty five weeks. You sho' you tryna risk birthing li'l man?"

Shantey listened and knew Sino was right. Her adrenaline is pumping, which meant her blood pressure has risen. Nodding her head, she ambles down the few stairs leading to the entrance and breath in from her nose and releasing from her mouth whilst rubbing her round stomach. She felt her blossoming son kick against her hand. "I know, I know, I'm calming down. He's gonna be okay. You will meet your brother in human form. Not at a gravesite."


A flush of relief had taken over Shantey body when hearing her Son voice. She spun around quickly to Romeo trudging down the few stairs beside Tavon and Shondrea. She beelined to her Son as fast as she could, embracing him tight and close. Feeling his warm body heat amongst hers let her know this is even more real. Her Son is alive.

"Oh my fucking gosh," she pulled away with his face in her hands. "They do anything to you? You hurt?"

"No, Mom, I'm fine."

"Okay, let's get you home, baby." Grabbing his hand, she leaded him to the blacked out Suburban with Tavon, Shondrea, and Sino following. When everyone was safely inside Hector pulled away from the police station and handing to Tavon's residence.

A ride full of silence turned into Shondrea feeling the need to apologize as she sat in the third row, staring out of the window. "If it wasn't for them coming to pick me up, this would've never happened."

"It's not yo fault Drea," Tavon sighed, "don't do that to yourself. No one was hurt— Thank God. He'll be out first thing in the morning with Marvin behind him. Everything gonna be aight."

Shantey stared out of the window in thought. She found it odd that Troy would even have drugs on him. With what Troy's father is currently sitting in prison for, he prided himself into not having no record on his name to take care of his brother's when need be. He's a Black man in America and didn't want to give police more of a reason to fuck with him based on catching a charge or having to be on probation and preventing him from traveling. Troy did not want to be caged in California. He may have been rough around that edges, but it's him. One thing he'd never do is get involved in any drugs or street life.

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